Friday 25 April 2008

Finding Neverland (Soundtrack by Miss Renda)


Tuesday night we weren't homeless, but Wednesday we were as our new hostel was unable to accomodate us until Thursday. So rather than spend another night in Calypso which we're not all that fond of we decide to rent a toot toot and go adventuring northward. So Tuesday we go do that and then spend the night at the hostel getting drunk. That was fun. I rolled into bed at about 2am, needing to be up at 8 to get checked out and go collect the car. I am a trooper so of course it all went swimmingly.

We get to the car hire place and the guy tries offloading me with this gold beast that wouldn't look out of place on the end of a witches nose. I'm not having it and demand a cute little runaround car. I don't drive a boat at home why would I want to atempt to manouvere one over here where they all drive like frickin lunatics? Anyways we end up with a sweet little cherry red Hyundai Getz that is just a beauty to drive. To be honest though when you're used to driving Gav anything with power steering and a teeny bit of zip is sweeter than apple pie and ice cream being spoonfed to moi by The Watkins (That's Ian Watkins Nanny, google him) in a 6' 6" feather bed, wearing nothing but a smile and a ton of hair product.

Anyhow, we go collect our stuff and set off on our adventure. Driving out of the city was a bit of a 'mare because we're not all that sure on Australian signs and traffic lights are different. Like they have PED X written on the road and I thought it must be something to do with mopeds. Lauren clicked that it was warning of a pedestrian crossing. Oh and their traffic lights flick straight from red to green and back. They have an amber they just don't appear to want to use it. We didn't actually have a plan of where to go just to head North. We stopped at Trinity Beach first. Now I love my Trinity Harrow, but the beauty of this place is never going to be outweighed by Junior and Co. Maybe my little Fisher Price Pearse but...nah not happening. We stopped off in posh face palm cove for lunch. Fit Ceaser salad (hold the bacon and the anchovies thanks) and then Ellis Beach. Basically after that we just drove. Oh yeah we saw real Bush fires! Loads of smoke and they have to stop the traffic and stuff. And all the Australians who direct the traffic wear these yellow tubbards that say Traffic Controller. But they were all fat which made me think of Thomas The Tank Engine.

And it was beautiful. In the stereo were the cd's that my darling Miss Renda made and I have to say I had a few silent tears and smiles on the way (My beloved Tiny Dancer, I want you to know that I miss you, I miss you so...) After spending a week in Cairns bored and surrounded by a beautiful city, it was nice to see the ocean and drive around singing just as i'd do at home when something is on my mind. And of course missing home is what is on my mind. Not enough to want to come back mind you, but I do think of you all a lot.

After a little while we come to a little tiny sleepy village where we stop for a bathroom break and a sandwich (cheese of course). And I had my first toilet spider incident. I've been warned about redbacks, but I haven't a clue what they look like and I knew I was in the outback-ish because i'd seen a sign to watch out for Kangas and their Roos. So I had a little wee when I see a few spideys in the loo. But I checked under the seat found it ok relieved myself sharpish and skiddadled.

After this we drove to the ferry crossing at Mossman to get across to Cape Trib. That's got to be the most boring job in the world. This 100ft stretch of water going back and forth all day long. I'd die of boredom. I nearly died just waiting on the boat. Anyways we get across and then...


We drove through the rainforest and eventually I spotted the coast through the trees, pulled over and found true beauty. Miles of glorious blue ocean and miles of lush green tropical vegetation seperated by a beautiful strip of unspoilt white sand. No people, no litter, no noise. Just true, true beauty. Nick we're going here for our honeymoon...

Pictures on facebook...

We drive and stop a few more times until we reach a place called PKs Rainforest village where we pull over and book in for the night as i'm tired of driving by now and need feeding. Me and Lauren head down to the beach, rowing on route so I storm back to the room to discover I have no key and sit outside reading for ages. A frog came to say hello. He almost hopped right on my foot and scared the crap out of me, but my little screech scared him off so no pictures. When Lauren returns I discover she has no key either and we realise we've screwed that up somehow because we were definately given one. So we get another one (free of charge because I smiled sweetly) get changed and head to find dinner. Now they don't much appreciate that not all vegetarians want a diet of pasta over here and so I insisted that we take a drive to find somewhere better. Which we do. Gorgeous SEPERATE vege menu, tofu, vegetables, the sort of things vegetarians dream about. Unfortunately though they were fully booked. So we then drove off road in our little Cherry Pip (cars gotta have a name) and found jack diddly. So back to PKs for pasta then. And not good pasta at that.

After this it was sleep time as at 5.45am we had to be up to get the car back by 10. I read for an age and Mummy you'll be pleased to know I listened to Lullaby Magick and I sent you a kiss and a cuddle from the Rainbowforest.

The next morning we were up and at 'em on time and schedule. Stopped off at Paradise once more to see the sunrise. Heaven on earth I swear. And other than a stop off for brekkie not a lot else to report.

Made it back to Cairns got checked in to our new hostel. Half the price of our last one and because they've run out of dorms we've procurred a twin room (sweet because i'm not really into this dorm malarky in my current state of mind), a fridge in our room, a pool that recieves sunlight all day and CABLE TV! I've missed telly. That may be sad, but I don't want to spend every night out on the razz and i'm into book number 5 already! At this rate i'll spend all my money on books!

So yeah that's about it for this entry as other than this it's same old story. Weather is good, i'm getting tanned and plenty of Mr Medicine (sunny shiny) and as much as I miss you all, i'll get over it hehe! We're booking our flights for Brisbane tomorrow so we'll be there in a week. Hope you're all well.

Love and stuff etc...

x xx x

Monday Madness

So Monday night comes around and me and Lauren decide we're having a quiet one. Been at the Lagoon all day in the 34* heat just chilling and the heat takes it out of you so we're thinking grub and quiet time. We go have a shower and i'm walking up the stairs back to my room when I hear the holler of "Rabbit!" I turn around and there's Luke this Aussie guy we randomly picked up (he's in the pics on facebook with the friendly tongue in my mouth) at the bottom of the stairs drink in hand. Turns out he's had a crap day and wants to go on the razz and none of his friends would go so he thought hey i'm going to track down those mad pomey (that's what Aussies call us, means prisoner of her majesty or something equally stupid as they're also) girls from Friday night and get them on it they seem like they enjoy partying. Which of course I do. Lauren is slightly more sensible as it was due to be our last night at Calypso and so she's all "no we can't go getting wrecked we have to find somewhere to live tomorrow and I don't want to have to do it feeling all crap and..." blah, blah, blah. But of course then there's me, can't say no to a party and after much cajoling (I can't spell that I don't think) and me booking us in for an extra night to get around the homeless factor I get her to agree to come party at Lukes house. He has a pool and I do so like water when i'm mushed. So we walk to the bottle shop to purchase alcofrol and I end up buying a sausage roll. In the cab we discover (which the cabbie said it would be, but I wouldn't look till i'd eaten it) that there is no pork in Australian sausage rolls, just mutton and only 17% at that. won't be breaking my veggie diet again in a hurry. We also discovered that if they run out of chicken in KFC they use rabbit! It says so on the packaging!

Anyways we make it to Lukes and we get messy and we swim and dance a lot and just generally have a pretty sweet time. The pictures are on facebook.

So yeah Monday was fun.

Sunday 20 April 2008

The Land Of Oz


So I haven't been on and posted anything all week because i've been waiting to get my account verified and also because I don't really have anything interesting to report. Tuesday (first day) was spent dossing around Cairns and picking up a few essentials such as a bikini and board shorts. Then me and Lauren went for a rather yummy mexican dinner and then I crashed out at like 9pm. Was awoken at some stupid hour of 8am Wednesday by what sounded like a plane on its way through our dorm window. The hostel is nice enough, but there aren't really any fun people there and if there are then they're doing a good job of hiding from us. Wednesday was spent food shopping and at the Lagoon for a bit. Then dinner and off into town for a few drinks at this Rhinobar with a weird Swedish guy. The bar was dead except for a bunch of obnoxious Canadians so we just came back to the hostel. On route the heavens opened and I got absolutely drenched and called people getting seperated from Lauren and ended up losing where I was, so got to bed about 4am. I stayed in bed until 3pm Thursday, then read for a few hours as it was still raining. Friday we went down to the Lagoon for a bit until it started pouring with rain again so we just wandered around town a bit. Cairns is beautiful but it's pretty small and completely geared up for tourists. Almost like Blackpool, but sunny and no funfair.

So Friday night we went to the cinema to see Step Up 2. It's alright. First one is better, but dancing is fit and eye candy is acceptable. Anyways we leave there and of course now all I want to do is go dance somewhere. So we go to the Hostel get buffed up and down to the bar for a pitcher (10$ for a pitcher of low carb beer, about 6 Scooners which is a bit smaller than a pint). We met a cool guy and gal, Lizzie and Gareth but they leave tomorrow so humph. Anyways a few beers and a bus ride to the Woolshed for alcofrol, shots and me dancing like a loon. Tables, boys, ceilings, if it had a surface I was using it. Then we went onto some club Soho where Lauren and I procured some Ozzy friends who stuck us in a cab to the middle of nowhere. We then rolled around a pavement for a bit waiting to discover the location. We ended up getting dropped of at a corn field and told to just "walk, trust me you'll find it." Now we're pretty mashed ok and we're thinking that we're looking for a house. So I whack on a nice bit of tunnage, using my phone as a light and march for about 20 mins. We can hear music so we're thinking good almost there. Suddenly we reach a clearing and down a little hill to discover IT'S A GOD DAMN RAVE AT A WATERING HOLE! These peeps have set up awnings, decks, a fire, chairs. Literally just the sweetest thing to see when you've gone to all this effort. It was unreal. And the lads dj-ing were sweet as. Good tunes. House, trance, techno...just sweet. So the next few hours were spent raving (Nick i'll bet it beat braindrop) and then someone pointed out to me that I should go in the river, which I did. So of course then i'm in my underwear for the next few hours. It was sunny thank God! At about 10am we got a lift to the hostel to get actual bathing equipment and spent what felt like hours driving around Cairns to peoples houses and stuff (Cairns is sprawling and truly beautiful) and then went back and continued with the mash up. Went swimming, listened to loads of Hip Hop (apparantly the Ozzys love it) and went back to the hostel at about 4pm where I promptly crashed out like a bizatch. Woke up at 11 this morning and have spent the day at the Lagoon. Lauren is in bed already, she thinks she might have a bit of sunstroke. I'm going back in a bit to make some buff munch because trying to cook in the shite kitchen, with 8 thousand others (1 kitchen for a place with more than 30 rooms, clever) and then it means we can just microwave stuff when were hungry. Tomorrow is all day at the Lagoon again.

We're probably going to get a flight to Brisbane in a couple weeks. Cairns is a bit crap to be honest and so we'll go work there for a bit. I need a bit of focus rather than monging around because it'll just make me miserable and want to be home. Yeah i'm weird and can't stand not doing anything for to long and there's no work up here because all the backpackers are here. So go to Brisbane save some cash up and then come up here do the activities we want and then get travelling down to Sydney. I miss home. I miss my car, being able to listen to loud music and dance around my front room. I miss my daily dose of Kelface (CD 1 keeps making me cry) and Hubby (yeah your right I don't need the book), my bedroom and having somewhere to get away from it all and have my own space, but I guess i'll get used to these things as it is only early days. I basically just want to get a sick tan then go frolic with my dingo ladies and of course Tom.

so yeah that's about it for now. I'll hopefully have my phone sorted soon and then i'll be able to text and call your pretty selves. Love you lots, miss you millions.

x xx x

Monday 14 April 2008

The Eagle has landed...

So after 26 hours, a really crap selection of food, 10 hours sleep, 1 book, 1 and a half films and about 10 pages of writing...i'm here.

Didn't cry at the airport, but Daddy did! I would have turend around and waved and probably given you a second hug if my Mother who lacks such thing as a maternal bone hadn't of been shouting at me to run off and get on the plane, which incidentally I waited for an hour to board. So I could have finished that beer then hey boys and girls. Thanks you to all of you who came to my drinks on Saturday and those that made it to the airport it means a lot that you made the effort to bade me farewell. Those of you who didn't...well unfortunately I know you have your reasons. Doesn't make me hate you. Unlucky sonny. Anyways enough of that...

Flights wer ok. Having not gone to bed on Saturday night I slept for a straight 10 hours on the first one as I ended up with 3 seat to myself and just crashed. Woke up once due to turbulence, I was sitting right behind the wing which I think's wicked because I absolutely love turbulence. Feels like a rollercoaster, I always hope it gets really awful and we bounce around and dive and everyone would have a mass panic. Really I imagine it happening and the masks falling out of the sky and making a crash landing and jumping down that bad boy slide. Don't want anyone to get hurt, but imagine the adrenaline! Anyways I sat up, put on my seatbelt and discovered that none of the three tellys worked so as soon as the seatbelt sign was out I conked again. Slept through dinner on the first flight and brekkie was Spanish omlette (with bacon) or Museli. I hate Museli and I failed to tell them I was veggie. Dickhead. Although I do eat fish so luckily that was an option for the second flight because I was starving. Anyways flew from Heathrow to Singapore where I waited around reading and attempted to eat the most awful BRIGHT ACID GREEN tortilla wrap thing that I gave up after about 2 mouthfuls. Figured if i'm not going to eat processed crappy meat then eating the E-number equivalent to four million of the old school blue smarties before a 7 hour flight probably not such a good idea. So yeah. The next flight was actually 4 hours to Darwin (I paid bare attention to my itinary) where I had to get off and walk round in a circle to reboard once they'd refuelled.

At every airport I went to the perfume section and sprayed my blanket with homey smells to try and help me sleep. My nose feels like i've been abusing solvents. Or what I think it would feel like as i've never actually felt the need to stick a glue stick up my nose (I promise Nanny.) So yeah the last flight was three hours and I tried to sleep a bit to maybe shift my head into the Ozzy time zone, but we started flying into the sunrise and then I was all thinking and stuff and it didn't work. Day was dawning on the final leg of the beginning of my adventure. Well the amous bouche of the appetiser as Laurens arrival will signify the real beginning because then I can leave this airport and touch Ozzy soil. Promised Daddy i'd get a picture of it and also that may possibly be the point I cry. I actually haven't cried at all since the journey began. I had a few crying things at the leaving do and saying goodbye to my brothers. I had a good few panic attacks on Sunday too. Had to keep a paper bag with me since I left Heathrow! But I feel like i've left all the shit I need to at home and anything I need to deal with out here will just be a matter of fact kind of affair.

Anyways. The time here is 9.28am and i'm sitting inside the airport on a computer while the sun is blazing gloriously outside. I'm waiting for Lauren to turn up. I have purposefully not actually stood outside of an airport (and i've been to 3 since I took off from London) to get a good picture of me arriving in Oz land. Airports don't count as foreign soil, they all look the same. I don't actually know Laurens flight number, but i'm guessing her flight is the one that arrives in 25 minutes. I don't really have anything fun to report as i've been sat on my arse with music and words for an eternity so it's just in my head stuff. But Í'll let you know all about the fun stuff i'm sure me and she get up to over the next few days.

Going to email Alistair now about being a truck driver! HAHA! Can you imagine it. I wouldn't put me in charge of a truck, but hey, I can fake normality. And as far as i'm aware trucks don't get turbulence. Anyways lads and ladies, take care and...I was going to say see you soon but erm, I won't.

x xx x