Monday 14 April 2008

The Eagle has landed...

So after 26 hours, a really crap selection of food, 10 hours sleep, 1 book, 1 and a half films and about 10 pages of writing...i'm here.

Didn't cry at the airport, but Daddy did! I would have turend around and waved and probably given you a second hug if my Mother who lacks such thing as a maternal bone hadn't of been shouting at me to run off and get on the plane, which incidentally I waited for an hour to board. So I could have finished that beer then hey boys and girls. Thanks you to all of you who came to my drinks on Saturday and those that made it to the airport it means a lot that you made the effort to bade me farewell. Those of you who didn't...well unfortunately I know you have your reasons. Doesn't make me hate you. Unlucky sonny. Anyways enough of that...

Flights wer ok. Having not gone to bed on Saturday night I slept for a straight 10 hours on the first one as I ended up with 3 seat to myself and just crashed. Woke up once due to turbulence, I was sitting right behind the wing which I think's wicked because I absolutely love turbulence. Feels like a rollercoaster, I always hope it gets really awful and we bounce around and dive and everyone would have a mass panic. Really I imagine it happening and the masks falling out of the sky and making a crash landing and jumping down that bad boy slide. Don't want anyone to get hurt, but imagine the adrenaline! Anyways I sat up, put on my seatbelt and discovered that none of the three tellys worked so as soon as the seatbelt sign was out I conked again. Slept through dinner on the first flight and brekkie was Spanish omlette (with bacon) or Museli. I hate Museli and I failed to tell them I was veggie. Dickhead. Although I do eat fish so luckily that was an option for the second flight because I was starving. Anyways flew from Heathrow to Singapore where I waited around reading and attempted to eat the most awful BRIGHT ACID GREEN tortilla wrap thing that I gave up after about 2 mouthfuls. Figured if i'm not going to eat processed crappy meat then eating the E-number equivalent to four million of the old school blue smarties before a 7 hour flight probably not such a good idea. So yeah. The next flight was actually 4 hours to Darwin (I paid bare attention to my itinary) where I had to get off and walk round in a circle to reboard once they'd refuelled.

At every airport I went to the perfume section and sprayed my blanket with homey smells to try and help me sleep. My nose feels like i've been abusing solvents. Or what I think it would feel like as i've never actually felt the need to stick a glue stick up my nose (I promise Nanny.) So yeah the last flight was three hours and I tried to sleep a bit to maybe shift my head into the Ozzy time zone, but we started flying into the sunrise and then I was all thinking and stuff and it didn't work. Day was dawning on the final leg of the beginning of my adventure. Well the amous bouche of the appetiser as Laurens arrival will signify the real beginning because then I can leave this airport and touch Ozzy soil. Promised Daddy i'd get a picture of it and also that may possibly be the point I cry. I actually haven't cried at all since the journey began. I had a few crying things at the leaving do and saying goodbye to my brothers. I had a good few panic attacks on Sunday too. Had to keep a paper bag with me since I left Heathrow! But I feel like i've left all the shit I need to at home and anything I need to deal with out here will just be a matter of fact kind of affair.

Anyways. The time here is 9.28am and i'm sitting inside the airport on a computer while the sun is blazing gloriously outside. I'm waiting for Lauren to turn up. I have purposefully not actually stood outside of an airport (and i've been to 3 since I took off from London) to get a good picture of me arriving in Oz land. Airports don't count as foreign soil, they all look the same. I don't actually know Laurens flight number, but i'm guessing her flight is the one that arrives in 25 minutes. I don't really have anything fun to report as i've been sat on my arse with music and words for an eternity so it's just in my head stuff. But Í'll let you know all about the fun stuff i'm sure me and she get up to over the next few days.

Going to email Alistair now about being a truck driver! HAHA! Can you imagine it. I wouldn't put me in charge of a truck, but hey, I can fake normality. And as far as i'm aware trucks don't get turbulence. Anyways lads and ladies, take care and...I was going to say see you soon but erm, I won't.

x xx x


Camo Space Pup said...

Hello Babe
Good to hear you've there safe and sound - free of catastrophic plane disaster, even if the emergency slide might have been momentary relief from the boredom of longhaul travel.
Love the blog. It's great to hear from you so soon. I'm writing whilst your Dad is trying to think of something to write.
We're at your Mum's with Charlie, his last day with us of six. The sun has come out and the day s glorious. The boys are all crowded around the computers in a darkened room. Hey ho.
Yesterday we went to the Airkix in Milton Keynes. Your Dad, me, Charlie, Tris and Baz all did the fight. It was brilliant. Our instructor was not as good as yours the time you went but it was still excellent. Charlie went realy high, way up above the windows and was grining from ear to ear. If only it wasn't so expensive we'd be there every weeked I think.
OK, its your Dad's turn...
Take good care Rabbit Down Under.
Hugs, Rosie. XX

Granny Rabbit said...


Granny Rabbit said...

Having a small problem with my Google account, will hopefully get back to you properly with actual news...

Granny Rabbit said...

Right, I'm on the next plane with a big stick, where is the other sealskin sock and my bikini bottoms are missing, WHERE ARE THEY!!!!

Camo Space Pup said...

Hello Aussie Bunny,

Still no new blog so I guess you're having way too good a time to sit infront of the computer! Excellent.

Your Dad says, 'I hear beer is only a pound a pint so remember we're not sending you any more money if you run out but we can send you an old sleeping bag out of the loft in case you can't afford the hostel'. Ah, what a sweetie.

I've started my new job at the BFPO and things are going very well. There is no filing system at all so I've spent today trying to organise something with retrevability.

Apart from that things are as normal. Got the candle party here next wednesday. Your Mum is coming and Debbie. I may have to make more chocolate brownies!

Daddy says lovely to have chatted to you earlier. Sends big cuddles.

Write soon,


Rosie and Daddy xx