Sunday 20 April 2008

The Land Of Oz


So I haven't been on and posted anything all week because i've been waiting to get my account verified and also because I don't really have anything interesting to report. Tuesday (first day) was spent dossing around Cairns and picking up a few essentials such as a bikini and board shorts. Then me and Lauren went for a rather yummy mexican dinner and then I crashed out at like 9pm. Was awoken at some stupid hour of 8am Wednesday by what sounded like a plane on its way through our dorm window. The hostel is nice enough, but there aren't really any fun people there and if there are then they're doing a good job of hiding from us. Wednesday was spent food shopping and at the Lagoon for a bit. Then dinner and off into town for a few drinks at this Rhinobar with a weird Swedish guy. The bar was dead except for a bunch of obnoxious Canadians so we just came back to the hostel. On route the heavens opened and I got absolutely drenched and called people getting seperated from Lauren and ended up losing where I was, so got to bed about 4am. I stayed in bed until 3pm Thursday, then read for a few hours as it was still raining. Friday we went down to the Lagoon for a bit until it started pouring with rain again so we just wandered around town a bit. Cairns is beautiful but it's pretty small and completely geared up for tourists. Almost like Blackpool, but sunny and no funfair.

So Friday night we went to the cinema to see Step Up 2. It's alright. First one is better, but dancing is fit and eye candy is acceptable. Anyways we leave there and of course now all I want to do is go dance somewhere. So we go to the Hostel get buffed up and down to the bar for a pitcher (10$ for a pitcher of low carb beer, about 6 Scooners which is a bit smaller than a pint). We met a cool guy and gal, Lizzie and Gareth but they leave tomorrow so humph. Anyways a few beers and a bus ride to the Woolshed for alcofrol, shots and me dancing like a loon. Tables, boys, ceilings, if it had a surface I was using it. Then we went onto some club Soho where Lauren and I procured some Ozzy friends who stuck us in a cab to the middle of nowhere. We then rolled around a pavement for a bit waiting to discover the location. We ended up getting dropped of at a corn field and told to just "walk, trust me you'll find it." Now we're pretty mashed ok and we're thinking that we're looking for a house. So I whack on a nice bit of tunnage, using my phone as a light and march for about 20 mins. We can hear music so we're thinking good almost there. Suddenly we reach a clearing and down a little hill to discover IT'S A GOD DAMN RAVE AT A WATERING HOLE! These peeps have set up awnings, decks, a fire, chairs. Literally just the sweetest thing to see when you've gone to all this effort. It was unreal. And the lads dj-ing were sweet as. Good tunes. House, trance, techno...just sweet. So the next few hours were spent raving (Nick i'll bet it beat braindrop) and then someone pointed out to me that I should go in the river, which I did. So of course then i'm in my underwear for the next few hours. It was sunny thank God! At about 10am we got a lift to the hostel to get actual bathing equipment and spent what felt like hours driving around Cairns to peoples houses and stuff (Cairns is sprawling and truly beautiful) and then went back and continued with the mash up. Went swimming, listened to loads of Hip Hop (apparantly the Ozzys love it) and went back to the hostel at about 4pm where I promptly crashed out like a bizatch. Woke up at 11 this morning and have spent the day at the Lagoon. Lauren is in bed already, she thinks she might have a bit of sunstroke. I'm going back in a bit to make some buff munch because trying to cook in the shite kitchen, with 8 thousand others (1 kitchen for a place with more than 30 rooms, clever) and then it means we can just microwave stuff when were hungry. Tomorrow is all day at the Lagoon again.

We're probably going to get a flight to Brisbane in a couple weeks. Cairns is a bit crap to be honest and so we'll go work there for a bit. I need a bit of focus rather than monging around because it'll just make me miserable and want to be home. Yeah i'm weird and can't stand not doing anything for to long and there's no work up here because all the backpackers are here. So go to Brisbane save some cash up and then come up here do the activities we want and then get travelling down to Sydney. I miss home. I miss my car, being able to listen to loud music and dance around my front room. I miss my daily dose of Kelface (CD 1 keeps making me cry) and Hubby (yeah your right I don't need the book), my bedroom and having somewhere to get away from it all and have my own space, but I guess i'll get used to these things as it is only early days. I basically just want to get a sick tan then go frolic with my dingo ladies and of course Tom.

so yeah that's about it for now. I'll hopefully have my phone sorted soon and then i'll be able to text and call your pretty selves. Love you lots, miss you millions.

x xx x


Granny Rabbit said...

So Baby Bunny, you've obviously adjusted to Oz time as you're back on sleep all day, party all night...

Glad you've settled in so quickly, Gav Gav Toot Toot is back home with me and I will get him looked at to see what is wrong with his pulling power! I will try and find someone to drive him so he is looked after and keeps your insurance up, otherwise he may be sold into the white slave trade to pay for my skiing holiday!

All is the same here as it was before, therefore I can only miss what's not here and that's you.

Love you baby girl

Camo Space Pup said...

Hello Assie Bunny,

Sounds like you've got it all under control. You're right, working will be much more interesting that searching for action on a nightly basis. What will be available Brisbain? Hope you get something that will be entertaining as well as profitable.
Your Dad is asking what happended about the truck driving? Was that a goer?

Your Dad and I spent the weekend in the loft sorting out stuff for the boot sale. He managed to bang his head, crack numerous bones and step on the bedroom ceiling causing a big crack. The loft just ain't big enough for a six foot two ex-para! Ultimately though, the loft is now organised and we've got loads of things to take for sale. Just waiting for lovely weather - could you send us some of yours as you clearly have more than you can handle!!

Work is going very well. I've already got your Dad and myself on the Army mini bus to the Army Navy game at Twickenham - yay, now neither of us as to be the nominated driver! Next thing a ride on a chinook!

I made a right foupah on the frst day. As I turned into the base there were a bunch of cars sat in the middle of the road not moving. There are two choices of ways to go at that point and I thought the first person just wasn't sure where to go so I drove round them and up to the gate house. It then turned out they were waiting at some lights. The lights go red when an aircraft is coming in to land as the inbound flight path goes over the road. Oooopsey daisy! As I came out of the gate house the last driver in the queue stopped next to me and barked, 'What did you drive around for? Didn't you see the lights?' I said, 'No, I thought you were lost'. To which he grunted with disgust and drove off. Later in the day he came into my office to say hello to the Brigadier's new PA (ha ha, that's me!!) He stopped in the doorway and did a real cartoon double take. I just smiled and said hello. He was all fumbley and I appologised saying I could do with a proper induction training as there are things, like the lights, that I don't know about. He's in charge of induction. What an irony. He then said, 'There's a section in todays routine orders about jumping the lights because people do it all the time, I wrote it yesterday, it'as nothing personal'. Aw, shucks, it's ok, I did already feel a bit of a fool. I always seem to learn by my mistakes. I guess there must be an age you get to where you stop making a real arse of yourself...surely!

Keep in touch babe, it's lovely to read your blogs.

Hugs and kisses

Daddy and Rosie xx