Friday 25 April 2008

Monday Madness

So Monday night comes around and me and Lauren decide we're having a quiet one. Been at the Lagoon all day in the 34* heat just chilling and the heat takes it out of you so we're thinking grub and quiet time. We go have a shower and i'm walking up the stairs back to my room when I hear the holler of "Rabbit!" I turn around and there's Luke this Aussie guy we randomly picked up (he's in the pics on facebook with the friendly tongue in my mouth) at the bottom of the stairs drink in hand. Turns out he's had a crap day and wants to go on the razz and none of his friends would go so he thought hey i'm going to track down those mad pomey (that's what Aussies call us, means prisoner of her majesty or something equally stupid as they're also) girls from Friday night and get them on it they seem like they enjoy partying. Which of course I do. Lauren is slightly more sensible as it was due to be our last night at Calypso and so she's all "no we can't go getting wrecked we have to find somewhere to live tomorrow and I don't want to have to do it feeling all crap and..." blah, blah, blah. But of course then there's me, can't say no to a party and after much cajoling (I can't spell that I don't think) and me booking us in for an extra night to get around the homeless factor I get her to agree to come party at Lukes house. He has a pool and I do so like water when i'm mushed. So we walk to the bottle shop to purchase alcofrol and I end up buying a sausage roll. In the cab we discover (which the cabbie said it would be, but I wouldn't look till i'd eaten it) that there is no pork in Australian sausage rolls, just mutton and only 17% at that. won't be breaking my veggie diet again in a hurry. We also discovered that if they run out of chicken in KFC they use rabbit! It says so on the packaging!

Anyways we make it to Lukes and we get messy and we swim and dance a lot and just generally have a pretty sweet time. The pictures are on facebook.

So yeah Monday was fun.


Granny Rabbit said...

So they need to rename KFC AFR (Ozzie Fried Rabbit...!) Oh how I laughed when I read that, perhaps that's just to keep the rabbit population down, they are very naughty bunnies coz they keep breeding like, well rabbits actually.

Rabbit said...

Yeah, just as well I don't breed like a Rabbit hey Mumface. Else we'd be up too our eyeballs in psycho nutcase headjobs in pants and t-shirts getting wwell messy and upsetting people.

x xx x