Sunday 20 July 2008

Eager Beaver

So this is a weird post, but i'm tired and I just had to tell you because this just about sums up Australian humour.

I just saw a feminine hygiene product advert that basically tailed a woman living her life, out at a restaurant, on the beach, hailing a cab, carrying a beaver.

The end line...

Because you only have one.

I just can't imagine it happening on English television.

Or has it?

I'll do a proper blog soon I promise.


Granny Rabbit said...

Well, Time to place my last comment before I bugger off to Spain. What's happened to me since Blackpool...

Obviously Rosie has filled you in on the Boot Sale, I looked good in your snoopy child bra I'll have you know, the worrying thing was it fit me.

Went to the Cornbury Festival the first weekend of July for Paul & Nat's joint stag/hen weekend. Phil had the Friday and Monday off so no rush for us to go anywhere. Steph & Carl had agreed to have the boys so childcare was sorted, I had persuaded Philip that I wasn't cooking over the weekend so that was the catering sorted. pack and load the car, head into the Oxfordshire countryside, a festival a whole 45 minutes from our house, what a trial! Find Charlbury but the festival signage leaves a lot to be desired, takes us another 30 minutes to actually find the festival site. Arrive in Mini top down blazing sunshine, you know it's not gonna last. Paul & Nat arrive pitch tents, keep pitching tents, is there no end to the number of people coming on this weekend? Sue (Tracy's sister) arrives and presents her tent, Sue is great, she works for Mark Warner and runs large hotels in Greece housing 300 people and managing all the staff but in the real world she could be described as a dizzy blonde. There are no poles! Oooops, Phil does his knight in shining armour routine and drives home and gets one of ours. We have bought the cheap 2 man Eurohike that you and I took to Isle of Wight, so Phil has to bring back the expensive one which is just like Sue & Petes except it is the smaller version. Sue tells us not to mention this cock up to Pete or he'll 'batter' her. We all BBQ for dinner v. nice, Pete arrives after having driven up from Cornwall, he says "Is this our tent?". "Of course it is." says Sue. 10pm starts to rain, typical, so we all traipse to our sleeping bags for the night. Pete gets into the tent and says "Are you sure this our tent?", "Yes" says Sue, "Really, this is our tent?", "Oh okay no it's not, It's Phil & Calis", "Why are we using their tent, what's wrong with ours?", "Nothing, there are no poles", "Idiot!". Following morning, weather looks okay quite cloudy but there is blue sky to be seen, Phil & I head over for brekkie, not too shabby veggie options, in fact better veggie options at this reasonably small festival than there were at the 100th Jamboree for the Scouts last year which were quite frankly non-existent. Everybody makes up lunches/large portions of Pimms/picnic blankets/chairs etc etc etc and head off up the arena sun is shining a brilliant start, watch The Beat whilst doing the Reggae Ska dance, imagine having a knees up and then that your hands are attached to your knees like a puppet so as you jump up and down your knees and hands do so at the same time, anyway it's probably easier to show you than explain to you. Large Margarita later and I'm chillin' good. Phil & I head off to have a shufty around the stalls and see if I can find something to spend his money on, of course I can, buy myself a pair of fairy wings, which I have to wear around my hips with a bizzare use of my bumbag straps as the elastic hurts my armpits, so when I'm flying as a fairy it's arse up. Generally have a good day, eating a drinking chatting and chilling, evening starts to come around, Phil & I head back to site to change before the bigger bands come to the stage, weather starts to look ropier! It rains, quite heavily although it did stop for Paul Simon (he wasn't really much of a showman and didn't set me on fire although a brilliant songwriter got the feeling that he'd rather just do studio albums). Never mind, After the headline back to site, but no not quite we all have to queue to go anywhere as 10,000 people are all trying to do the same thing. Back at site everybody appears to be in bed, its only about 10:30, so get into bed. Paul & Natalie arrive back at site and say aren't you all coming out to have a drink, so Phil & I get up again with Rich & Tracy and open the champagne, super! Chat for a bit and then it starts to rain again, all go to bed! Sunday morning it's raining, get up have breakfast and wander around in waterproofs, see a break in the clouds and it clears up before we head into the arena, however, we take our waterproofs with us just in case, just as well, although it's nice for most of the day, clouds over earlier than yesterday and starts raining it rains continuously from then, 10CC knew every song, brilliant, even in the rain, Crowded House, knew most of the songs, real interaction, KT Tunstall, lots of interaction, Beverley Knight don't know the songs but she talked to the audience great, Paul Simon take note! Traipsed back to the site, stopped raining we even saw a couple of stars, everyone went to bed except me, Phil & Rich chatted whilst drinking port and then retired to bed. Monday morning raining, it kept raining, rain, rain & some more bloody rain, oh yes the Great British summer. Strike camp in the rain, it stops! pack up and head off home a thoroughly enjoyable festival, designed for Barbour-jacketed, Hunter-wellied, upper-middle classes SUPER!

Have a load of Tesco Clubcard deal vouchers to use up by the end of August so have booked us in to eat out loads.

1. I have a BOGOF voucher for Pizza Express so after work on Tuesday, Phil & I and Deb & Nige go for dinner, the boys amuse themselves with beans on taost.

2. Wednesday 2 free tickets for a Cineworld cinema (MK) see Hancock we all enjoyed it and then for tapas at Ortegas in the theatre district using Tesco vouchers.

3. I'm out Thursday dance practice for Pete & Pat Liddall's 50th wedding anniversary in August, back to Elle's with a take away curry.

I start the Lighterlife trial programme on Saturday, my husband gets to drink for the next 4 months, so he does!

4. Following Wednesday take the boys out of school and head up to Hampstead Heath. Drive to station because bus timetable has changed and haven't checked it. Get on train Aylesbury to Marylebone, get Bakerloo to Willesden Junction, so far so good, get on train to Hampstead Heath, NO wrong train, going the wrong way, get off at West Brompton change platforms wait for return train, get on train, long time on train "Where is this train going?" I ask exasperatedly to myself, woman opposite answers "Watford Junction." AAAAARRRRGH! Get off at Harrow & Wealdstone, get on Bakerloo line back to Willesden Junction, get off find RIGHT train and go to Hampstead Heath, arrive HOORAY! Eat lunch, then spend the afternoon meandering through the Heath, really lovely bonding time with the boys, no agenda just being, get to the Lido and go for a swim, Tristan is in for 20 minutes then has to get out as he's so cold (no fat, you see you have to have a little bit) Baz and I stay in for about 45 minutes and then get changed and walk down to meet Phil (who has driven in from work) at The Bombay Bicycle Club for a curry courtesy of Tesco Clubcard deals.

5. Friday, Tristan doesn't want to come with us as he's going to a party, so Baz and I go into London to meet Phil for dinner at The Real Greek (more Tesco vouchers). Again I have to drive to the station as the bus timetable was not read properly by yours truly the bus I want to get only runs on non-school days, bugger. Have food and then we're in the Mini, roof off around town, down to Tower Bridge and then criss cross all the bridges back to Westminster, then head on home.

All my vouchers are gone and I've still lost 4 pounds this week!

That's about all for now will update you after my hols, have a great couple of weeks


Camo Space Pup said...

Hello Bunny,

I've now got a strange image of Aussie women all walking about carrying beavers. Thanks for that...

This is the week your Dad killed the fridge freezer. It started last weekend when it was really frozen up in the freezer compartment so the door kept popping open, which as I recall it has always done as long as I've been here. So he gets in a strop and attacks the ice with a huge knife. A couple of hours later it stops being cold. The freezer part seems to be retaining some kind of service but the fridge is officially warm. Useful for hatching chicks, not much good for storing food. We empty it and take advantage of your Mum's freezer collection to keep what we can.

We take an afternoon off work on Monday to go buy a new one. We visit three shops ending up at Currys. Best price, delivery on Wed and £30 off to take your old one away for scrap. Good. Paid up and arranged for delivery Wed.

I take the afternoon off on Wed to wait in for the fridge. Time slot - between 1445 and 1845. I unplug the fridge, completely empty it, clean it, remove all the magnets (of which there are about a million!) and wait, and wait, and wait.

At 6 your Dad comes home and is very disapointed to see the old fridge still stood there. Plugs it back in to cool his beer in the freezer. We wait. At 7.30pm we realise they ain't coming. There's much face pulling and shouting from the big guy along the lines of 'I knew the fuckers wouldn't turn up!!'

Then your Dad opens the fridge to find it's working fine. Fridge and freezer both cold. Bastard machine! So I say, 'fine, by their incompetence not delivering when they should it looks like we have been saved - we may not need a new fridge after all. If it's still working in the morning we can go and get our money back. Great!'

It's now 8pm. Phone rings. Delivery driver. 'Hello, sorry I'm late, I'm on my way now to deliver your fridge. I'll be there in about half an hour'. Hmmmmm. It's time to decide. Deal or no deal. Your Dad tells him we're going out and it's not convienient to deliver now. But I can't help laughing. He's got 'the face' on big style. Lots of Victor Meldrew 'I don't believe it' and stomping about and threatening to take a baseball bat to the fridge.

It's now Friday night and the fridge is working absolutely fine. Turns out he didn't kill it at all but it certainly got it's own back for being brutalised with the knife. What did we learn? Play nice with the household appliances.

What would life be without these crazy incidents. I'm considering writing a book, Tom Sharpe kind of stuff. I bet he had to make his scenarios up!!!

Hugs from Wain Cottage. Looking forward to your next blog. XXXX

Camo Space Pup said...

Hello Rabbit,

It's only been a day but we've had fun. We went to the Boot at Denham. Yeah, I know, just managed to get rid of a load of tut and we're off buying more. What are we like?!

Anyway, the weather was absolutely glorious and hence the boot was enormous! Loads of great stuff. I've bought practically a whole new wardrobe for about a tenner.

So we're walking around and we hear a bloke's voice talking to his little kid. "Look at you, you little nigger, you're arms are black, you're a little nigger!" Me and you're Dad glance at each other horrified and turn to see where this voice is coming from. It's this black guy with his little three year old who is obviously also black. I say "Guess I'll let him off then."

We wandered about for ages and then I saw a kitchen table, just a little one, which folds down, with little stools underneath. They've got a sign on it - £20 - crossed out with £15 instead. I stop. Your Dad tries to carry on past but I call him back. Then it's like Good Cop, Bad Cop. I'm all 'Oh, I love it, when someone's cooking the other person can sit down in the kitchen without having to perch on a work top, Charlie could sit in the kitchen too, he'd be able to draw or read or colour, look it's great...etc etc' You're Dad's all 'No, I just got rid of the last one by smashing it up, I don't want any more shit, and we have to carry it back to the car, do you know how far away the car is woman?' The family at the stall go 'We'll do it for a tenner.' I give them the tenner. You're Dad's shaking his head. 'You're carrying it by yourself' he says, until he sees me try to lift it on my own and then relents with a sigh. We hump this, may I say incredibly heavy for a piece of clearly quite cheap furniture, back to the car, which he's quite right, seems like four miles away. For a while my joy at the excellent price we've paid gives me strength but after a few hundred yards I'm starting to flag badly. Your Dad hands me the shopping bag of my clothes and humps the table the last few yards to the car. 'I am Man, it must be done.' Ok, and he is. All Man. That's why I love him so much.

We get home and sit in the shade (coz it really is too hot to be in the sun any more at 2pm, not like the Britain we are used to of late at all, and hooray for that!!) and play 80s compilations on YouTube where you have to guess the song from a 30 second clip. We know how to live the high life don't we!! Yeah, he wins, every time, even though most of the compilations have the same songs on them. Yeah yeah, it's flashdance by Irene Cara, ok, ok I know it now and I forever will!!!

We're now watching a P Company video eating BBQ chops. Life is good!!

More soon from our exciting debarcles. Love and hugs, The Wain Cottage Possie!! Don't change the dial, we'll be back!! XXXXXX

mo on the go said...

Hi sweet

Hows it goin?

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while, been oh so hectic this end.

Where to begin, had the most amazing weekend in Scotland for Legs 40th it was totally cool.

Pete, kids and I trekked on up there overnight on Thursday, Mum took kids to Robbies for the day on Friday to get some good cousin time in, which they all thoroughly enjoyed. Katie and Aimee are now getting on as well as Charlie and Lewis do so the four of them are like two little sets of twins, cute city.

Whilst they were off doing all that Pete and I climbed this big mountain, well, fairly big, over 3000 ft. The weather was shocking! Visibility virtually zero, rain, wind, fog, too similar to 24 peaks for words, but we were all kitted out for it so we just got our heads down and got stuck in. When we got to the top I could barely stand the wind was so fierce, Petes got some great pics of me in the mist and almost horizontal trying to battle the wind, will show you some time.

Anyway we did that got home and headed of to Lorraines to hand over our pressies. I had 100 badges made (think I told you in my email - in fact durr I sent you one didnt I?) so I gave her one, also I made a double cd of all the toonies we used to go crazy for when we were teens, man it was a stroll down the 80s. Ive put them all on my ipod too and Pete came home the other day and said he'd got me a present, it was an ipod docking station with cd so I can just pop it in and have loud music of my choice whenever I like, sweetie huh! Oh and I gave her a recipe in a big oak frame to stand in her kitchen, its very sentimental but I love her dearly and dont tell her nearly half as much as I should. I know you love all that stuff so I will tell you what it was

Recipe for us....

First find a tiny village in Scotland or similar vessel

Next add the following ingredients:
A couple of giggling girlies
Endless childhood memories of playing all day long
A river, the fair, gymnastics and rich tea biscuits

Method: Place all the ingredients in the village or similar vessel
Beat in 11 years of school
Carefully fold in a pinch of troubles
And finally, add more laughs than you can shake a stick at

The finishing touch
Leave to prove in a loving place and turn out....

The Greatest Friendship of all....

She absolutely loved it. We were both crying our eyes out. The boys were taking the right mick but hey - they will never understand!

So we drank some fizz, then some more, then danced to Dexys and Irene Cara and Laura Brannigan and the Nolans... Fun fun fun

Then Sally and Dave turned up, they had a nightmare journey up on the Friday. Next to arrive were Suz and Dean and boys, but we were well gone and tucked up in bed by then (2am).

So we all got together on Saturday day, us, the Claytons and Robbies crew and went to this big fun park. It was wicked! You can imagine they had these pedal gokarts that you could put the wee kids on a detachable seat behind you. Me, and Robbie never were very competitive - yeah right. He was forcing me off the track and everything. Charlie was big enough to ride his own so he was joining in and Deano had a go at ramraiding with Maxie on the back too. What a scream - the kids were loving it.

Back to Lorraines for dinner for about 30 before the party.

Party was fab, the guy who was doing the disco was the same guy who used to do our disco's when we were kids. Of course he recognized me and I have to say I think there may have been a bit of cheating going on when I was winning all these competitions. Even let me have a go with his microphone. I havent had such a laugh in ages, playing these inflatable guitars with the kids (we formed our own rock band) You would have loved it titch.

I had Katie and Lily give all the guests one of the badges to wear as they came in the door so we all looked like a great big Lorraine Fan Club - she loved it!

Back home to Lorraines at midnight as we hadnt had nearly enough alcohol by then! Suz even managed to stay up - she had such a good time. So eventually leave and get walked home at 4.30am by Leanne, Abi and Charles and the birds were singing.

Next morning, not so clever but not too bad. Big breakfast at Legs house courtesy of master chef Clayton. Delish just what was needed and then huge amounts of tears as we all depart and head South. Lorraine gave me this special badge with Friend A and a straight haired doodle girl on it, she has Friend B with curly hair and they have special telepathic powers. Cue a fresh spurt of tears.

So that was our fun weekend in sunny Scotland, it took me a few days to get back to normal. When we have a weekend like that when everything is just so cool it really makes me realise just how much I miss it.

Anyway didnt have too much time to mope around. Katies birthday party was the following weekend. Another fab time, 8 little princesses and 3 big hefty princes (c, d and m) all bouncing around, they had the time of their lives. Back to ours for bbq and water fun - those kids are mental. Pete brought home a big polythene board cover and we stuck it at the bottom of the slide, chucked a bit fairy liquid and the hose on it and the little wrigglers are shooting straight off the end cracking up.

So the little chickadee is 4 now, can you believe it? I cant. Only seems like yesterday she was born.

She is off at Grandmas at the minute with Charlotte and Charlie is at your Dads so its been the quietest week Ive had ever. Was really tearful on Monday when I came home and there was no-one but the dogs. I miss them so (and you!). I have been up at the gym lots though with all my free time and Pete and I went out for a curry on Monday night. Would you believe that is the first time we have ever been into a Curry house since we have been together? Its true - unbelievable huh!

I have also been very busy this week packing, we are off on holiday on Friday night for two weeks so are praying for some nice weather, one things for sure it cant be any worse than it is here at the minute - or can it - yes it can and it was last year... fingers crossed we are a bit luckier this year.

Im so tired Keri, I managed our office move at the weekend so I didnt finish work til 7.30pm on Friday, 8 - 7.30 on Sat and 9 til 5 on Sunday. By Monday I was wrecked and I havent recovered really. Still the office is sorted, we are in a gorgeous little 3 storey block and its all been decorated and carpeted (I got to choose everything) really nicely. Im really chuffed with how it all turned out, last week when the painters hadnt finished and the carpet fitters hadnt finished I was absolutely pooping it. Charlie would have gone into orbit if we hadnt met the dates. It was touch and go though with guys still on site at 4am on Sat morning. Strewth talk about cutting it fine.

Anyway my sweet how are you? How are the adopted family? Are you still dancing as much? Are you still having a good time? All these questions, maybe you should update your blog babe and then I would know all the answers xx

Dont think I will get a chance to email again before the holiday but I will send you a postcard.

Keep safe, we love you xxxx Mo and Crew xxxx

Camo Space Pup said...

Hello Blonde Bunny,

We've just had a super week with the little monkey in tow. I arranged a whole week of fun stuff to include Blenheim Palace for jousting, Legoland for rides and Paradise Wildlife Park for animals.

I had also factored in a trip to an outdoor pool but that was right off the cards with the weather so blinking awful. We did go and see Wall-e, which Charlie and I thought was great but your Dad thought was soft shite. It's definately made for anyone who cried at Silent Running (check it out if you haven't seen it - fabulous old film about some guys on a space ship with four eco-systems containing the last of Earth's wildlife and natural habitat. On the ship some little robots. I won't say anything else coz it'll ruin it but it's great.)

I have spent hours on the internet looking for jousting, for about two years, looking for something not a million miles away that coincides with Charlie Time and I was absolutely over the God Damn moon when I saw these guys were performing at Belheim the week we had Charlie. I bought the tickets (£16 an adult but free for Charlie) and I had to say what day we wanted to go. So I picked a day. Of course it turned out to be the wettest most miserable day of the whole week!! Unlucky! A jousting we will go. On with the rain coats and stand in the rain. It was great and the horses were fabulous. Charlie's favourite bit was at the start when all the children were called into the arena and given some frightening piece of medieval weponary. They then had to shout 'We are the Army of the King' or some such and parade around the area with their weapons. He had the biggest grin and even stood to attention. Bless his little cottons.

The best bit for us adults was the Victorian Servant's Tour, run by an ex-army guy who was hilarious and told this 'ghost' story. Superb.

Yeah, Legoland...I am so glad we didn't pay full price. I would have been hugely disapointed. We used Tesco vouchers and paid £25 for the three of us rather than the £90 odd it would have cost. Charlie loved it and was as good as gold the whole day despite waiting ages for the couple of rides we managed to get on.

Our trip to Paradise Park was much better. We had good look at the animals, some of which you could feed. I loved the hare. He was so soft and elegant, for a rabbit!There was a little section with a bouncy castle and a helter skelter slide - all free. Charlie was like 'can I go on the slide?' and we said yes, go on the slide and the castle for as long as you like. He was in his element. Then we went over to the play park where he just disapeared off with the other children, coming back occassionally for liquid or sandwich refreshment. The rain held off most of the time, with just a couple of quick downpours which emptied the area and meant Charlie could go on anything he liked for a little while until the crowds returned.

We went from there to your Mum's and spent Wed and Thur there. Your Dad took Charlie back on Thur night and I went to give him a kiss goodbye and his little face went all red and he said in a quiet voice 'I'm going to miss you' and I laughed even though I was I little choaked up by his comment, and said 'What while you're having a fabuloous time in France, I don't think you will!!' and gave him a big hug. I waved goodbye and then I must admit I was a bit watery. That was soon knocked back, along with a couple of glasses of wine and a chat with your Mum, who makes me laugh so much. She's such good company. We went to see Mamma Mia at the cinema and it was very funny. I haven't seen the show so it was all new to me. Meryl Streep was excellent and looks so good for her age. Phil and your Dad stayed behind and had a 'boys night in' watching TV. Football, I think.

In the morning the weather was fabulous and me and your Mum were outside topless getting some rays. Later me and your Dad walked up to the manor at Waddesdon. He managed to step in a puddle up to his shin and wasn't best pleased but soon cheered up at the pub. Your Mum met up with us and we sat in the last of the sunshine drinking coffee and beer (guess who had what!)

Yesterday we drove over to Hampton to meet my parents for lunch at Ye Olde Swan, a lovely pub on the riverside. We ate and then walked up to my old house in Rushett Close. It was very convivial. I'm pleased because your Dad hasn't spent much time with my parents and yesterday went really well.

Can't believe our holiday is over already. It went so fast. We had a super time. Check out the pics on my facebook. More soon!!

Lovely to hear from you today. Write more on your blog! We do keep checking to see if you've added stuff.

Love and hugs from the Wain Cottage Possie. XXXXXXXXXXX

Granny Rabbit said...

Well, hello on your still un-updated blogspot...

I am keeping up to date with your Dad and Mo via their comments to you!

I know that not much is happening to you at the moment it's the same old same old until you jet off to do your East Coast adventuring, but it's always nice to hear from you, you have a wonderful way with words, thank you for my poem.

I love you more than those words can ever convey the depth of feeling that I have and they just don't cover it.

Love you always

mo on the go said...

Hi Sweet

Well its your brown steppie here, yep even with my little scottish skin I managed to get a healthy glow, the kids all looking radiant too.

I even managed to get in 5 runs while we were away, which made me feel great about all the cheese and wine I was consuming, yummy.... I took Charlotte out with me one day but she wasnt too impressed with it. Never again I think might have been her words...

Weather in France was fantastic, only had a couple of offish days what a change from normal. Got loads of activities crammed in for kids they had such fun.

First thing they did was the Indian Forest (Cali you must remember that from last year) Charlie and Charlotte had a go, they did really well. It is a load of high rise platforms and zip wires and obstacles and they had to keep attaching themselves and their pulleys and doing all this hair raising stuff. Totally loved it both of them, Charlie completely fearless even went on this skateboard type affair about 20ft up. He shouts down to me after he'd attached himself "look at me Mum - Im a surfin dude!" Charlottle couldnt bring herself to do that one so some cool lookin geezer got himself up the tree to help her.

Next up go-karts - yep you've guessed it Lewis Hamilton II emerged. There were about 8 kids on the track Charlie being the smallest by about a foot (meant to be 8 to go on these but he was so desperate that we chanced it). Anyways off they go Charlie nailed it as soon as he could and after 7minutes of hard fought racing came 2nd. Charlotte was captain slow and she managed to come in well about 8th. Not too chuffed but she said "its just not my thing". Charlie decided there and then that that would be favourite activity he would repeat at the end.

Next up, laser light - inside a big dome paint ball with lasers, they enjoyed it but it wasnt too much of a success for any of them.

Football club also figured pretty high on the entertainment front with a couple of 2hr sessions. They both got stuck right into it.

We had a whole morning at a bouncy castle park. That was great and for once little Kates could join in hurrah! She was manic, up at the top of this massive massive slide must have been 30 feet up. No way you would have got me up there, she kept on zooming down and then dragging herself all the way back up again. Great fun, in the end we had to take her off as she was getting friction burns on her elbows!

Had a day out on a little train to an isolated beach. We drove to this town and then caught this cute little engine to the beach - they only way to get there was by rail, not even any roads. It was absolutely baking hot that day, I was paranoid city about kids burning so we only stayed there for about 3hrs. Loads of tummy boarding, sand castles, dune jumping. And we walked along the beach and came across the biggest jelly fishes I have ever seen. I kid you not Keri they were like deflated space hoppers - monsters with huge long tentacles, totally gross. Imagine if we had swam into them in the sea - doesnt bear thinking about.

Anyway a great time was had by all and then as we were all sat on the train waiting to go back Pete decided to get icecreams. Train nearly left without him - panic stricken faces all round. No probs though he managed to leg it onto train in time.

We went to loads of shows in the club - Charlie was loving it this year which is a huge improvement on last year when he couldnt bear the music. He was up on the dance floor with all the other cool dudes pulling some shapes. Katie and Charlotte were a right couple of diva's as you can imagine.

I did a bit of singing as usual.... yip karaoke queen!

We all went to this fun park called Luna Park one night, again monster rides. Kids loved it. Charlie on dodgems on his own. I was really scared there were these horrible teenage gits who were ramming into everyone including Charlie and Pete who had Katie in his car screaming her eyes out and they still were going for them. Madness I say...

So finally, Kates gets up some courage from somewhere and decides she and I are going on a rollercoaster - she loved it. Screamed in all the right places, couldnt get enough. So that was her picked her favourite thing to repeat at the end of the holiday. Next onto the log flume - right at the end, and just as well, we got soaked. So quick into the car and then back home again.

We had another day out at the local beach where the surf was great - the c's had a fab time and Katie even managed to get her toes wet - a vast improvement on last year.

In fact she did so well this holiday, went down all the slides at the pool, and loved it. She was also swimming in the deep end with her rubber ring on, later on in the holiday she progressed to swimming in the deep pool with armbands only so dead good news.

So the end of the holiday was drawing to a close and on Thursday it was the day to repeat fave rides. So off out goes Lewis Hamilton starts off 3rd out of 4 and came first - we were screaming as he was driving round. He was grinning from ear to ear as he passed the stand and gave it the big schumaker wave. You'd have laughed. Anyway when he took the chequered flag, he stops the car and gets out and puts one index finger up - numero uno. What a total hero.

Kates and Charlotte wanted to go to luna park - Kates for dragoney ride and Charlotte for this monster thing like a big stick with two carriages on either end. It spun around and around and when it was at the top it was so high up I felt sick. Pete went on with her. I tell you I said goodbye to the pair of them and I kept thinking 'what if I never see them again' It was soooh scarey.

Anyway after what seems like an eternity the ride eventually stops and a very shakey Charlotte stumbles out. Pete was okay at the time but got right queasy a bit later.

So after a hugely sunny and fun day by the pool on Friday it was time to get packed up. Sad faces all round, we'd had such a fab time.

One final night at the club and guess what it was my favourite show Moulin Rouge - yipee - everyone around me was deafened as you can imagine especially at the elephant scene - I was belting it all out at the top of my voice.

I got up and packed final things on Sat morning at 6am - that took a bit of doing having had lie ins til 8.30am each day - couldnt believe how well the kids slept.

Piled into the car and out by 9.30am, excellent we thought, no way we were going to miss our ferry. Famous last words. The whole of France obviously decided to drive North on Sat morning. We had a 500mile traffic jam. and it was 32deg outside. Oh yeah that was great fun. Needless to say 10 hours later we made it to Calais and yip you've guessed missed the ferry by a mere 3hrs. The man said he couldnt get us on the next ferry but could get us on the 10pm ferry at which point I promptly burst into tears. Obviously poor guy took pity on us and pulled out all the stops to get us on the 9pm ferry which unfortunately was delayed til 9.40 but that was way better than the 10pm ferry which was going to be delayed to 10.45.

Eventually after a lot of stomach lurching from me, never did like the ferry we touched down at Dover at something like 11pm. Hurrah only another 2hrs to home.

16hrs door to door. Absolutely shocking. The kids were amazing all things considered thats an enormous time to be stuck in the car. Fortunately last year we got them car dvd's otherwise I think there might have been a murder committed. That has its down side as well though, 2 dvd players, 3 kids, only so much High School Musical and Home Alone one can take. They did do ever so well though.

Then its back to work today. Ho hum, the fairy story endeth. And it seemed like Ive never been away.

Kids are back to school on Wednesday, I will take pics of them in new school uniforms. Kates looks like a little dolly in hers. Bless you'll love it.

Right best off now. Got to ring old man Manucci to see if he has managed to book the correct days for his accommodation at Skips wedding, you know what a crazy old bear he is.... No doubt I will be having a very strange conversation with him not listening. Cant wait.

Right girlie Im off now. Be in touch soon and will send pics. Everyone sends hugs and kisses, we miss youxxx

Lots of love Moses xxx

mo on the go said...

Well I eventually prized titches tshirt off - its had a hand wash and looks not too bad - fortunately face paint or ketchup dont reach wings - so she still can fly. Totally love it sweet - if there was stuff like that floatin around when you were a kid, but hey at the time you wanted to be a boy, the girliest thing I could get you doing was horse riding. Little Thistle remember him?
Huny we are all waiting to hear from you.
Keep safe my darling x

Love Mose xxxx