Sunday 30 November 2008

So Here We Are


It's been ages since I did an update, but today I find myself at a loose end and 30 mins left on my internet time so I figured I should do an update.

Where was I? The Everglades...that was pretty interesting. We canoed for a fair few hours over three days and saw lots of trees and water and camped and got bitten and...well that was it really. Not the most spectacular of adventures. Was a bit boring really.

After Noosa we went back to Brisbane for the party and to say goodbye to the children etc. It was pretty sad. The party was good. I massacred Dido...twice. And then sang everything that Shane or Nick could play, got a little drunk and crashed out. Awoke early the next day and then fell asleep in Oskars bed until the day was almost over.

Went to my last dance classs and cried like a baby saying goodbye, but saying goodbye to the children and Nicole was horrible. Had to do them all seperately. Jonny woke me up at 5am as he was off on a bike ride to say goodbye so was all groggy and couldn't get back to sleep because the wheels were in motion. Children hopped into bed with me early doors and it was just awful all day really. Goodbyes to Tillie and Nic took her off to school while I played bubbles with Oskar, goodbyes to Oskar as he hopped off to daycare. He didn't know what to do with himself poor little mite. Doesn't like all this emotional stuff, me crying like a baby and Nicole getting upset. Sensitive soul. Then there was goodbyes to Nanna and Pa as we drove off for Nic to drop me and Lauren at our appointed bus stop. I'm never going to forget waving goodbye to Nic and Olly at the side of the road. The windows were tinted and I knew that even though I could see them, they couldn't see me. Was heartbreaking to say the least and I sobbed my heart out for a fair old while once they were out of my sight. I don't know when I'll see them again. With any luck before I leave, but I don't really know how that'll work out.

So after Brisbane it was on to Byron Bay where we have already been once for Laurens birthday. We met up with our English lads on route which was nice as we'd missed them. The first night we just hung out as I was pretty wiped from my emotional day and early start. Then we did a day trip out to this little hippie town called Nimbin. Everyone had been telling me it was the maddest thing they'd ever seen and it's mad because people are just offering you skunk and hash cookies left, right and centre. To be fair I was a little disappointed as it was just like a miniature version of Camden really and nowhere near as wacky and insane as I was hoping it migt be. there was a cool museum though which I got some funky pictures of. That night me and Lauren went out and met some really cool guys from the gold coast that we hung out with. Ended up dragging everyone to the beach to watch the sunrise only to realise that the beach actually points North and so you can't see the surise. Whoops. Was pretty fun anyways.

Our Oz bus picked us up and took us down to surf camp. We hadn't been to bed and had Sonic as our driver again. He was probably my favourite out of all the guys we had. Him and Forrest the others were spanners really. So yeah down to surf camp where we had a surf lesson, which is pretty hard when you've not had any sleep. I crashed out immediately afterwards and except for a 30 minute wake up to munch a chocolate bar that tasted disgusting I slept right through until 6am the next day. Much needed rest.

After this it was a long ass trek bus journey down to Sydney where we stayed for 2 days before flying to Melbourne. Which is where we currently are.

I have managed to find a job in a bar, but it's only 2 nights/12 hours a week which is an issue as I need to save money for New Zealand and it just about covers rent, food and expenses. I'm looking for office work, but apparantly I can kiss it goodbye before Christmas. Have also been looking for other bar work and cafe work, but alas so is the rest of the backpacking population that are here for Christmas.

As Xmas looms I kind of want to be at home. That's probably mostly to do with me being unsure about work etc. It's only 4 weeks until we go to New Zealand, but if I can't find some extra work I don't really know where that leaves me with going there. I think I'd still go as the flight is paid for and the camper would be cheaper than a hostel for the three weeks. Although I wouldn't find a hostel for it now I don't think. Sorry t his is musings as oppossed to plans, but I need to try and think my way around things.

So yes, we're in Melbourne, which I love and I feel like myself again while I'm here. That sounded a lot less strange when I said it in my head. Pretty much we just hang out in the day and I work Thursday and Friday nights. My bodyclock is shot as my shifts start at 10pm and finish anywhere up until 7am. My bar shuts on the 20th December so that's another worry. It opens again on the 8th of Jan, but I need to get my shifts covered otherwise I won't be able to come back to it which I'm planning on doing. I want to stay here until my visa expires now. I like it. It's just like London, which is probably why. It's got more culture too.

Anyways my half hour is almost up. I hope this well overdue blog finds you all well and happy and looking forward to the festive period. Take care and I will keep you updated on my goings ons when I actually have some.


x xx x

1 comment:

mo on the go said...

Hi Sweet
Hows the job front? Have you managed to pick up anything extra?
You say you think you're going to stay in Melbourne til your visa runs out, how long is that? I thought you were going to Thailand or was that just a stop over... or did I just imagine it.
Charlie is just off to the last game of football for the year - rather Pete than me have to say - its like the baltic out there!
Its been uber busy at school this week and next week is going to be even worse. I have to get practicing Im doing a Christmas Recital in the church on Tuesday night, I will need a glass of mulled wine to get me through that I can tell you, standing up in front of the whole village!!!
Kids just had their Christmas play it was very sweet. Poor Charlie got all stage fright and wasn't at all keen on doing it. It took me ages to convince him he would be okay. Little Twinkle though, yep she is destined to be a star - standing there on the stage waving frantically at me - throwing the teddy in the air, big thumbs up signs going on all over the place and singing at the top of her voice... you can imagine!
Sorry this is so short babe, I will email back properly later. I have to finish wrapping presents for tomorrow's Mummy and Daddy stall.... never ending - cant wait to see what the little angels buy with their £1's... hehehe Im sure it will be worth it.
Love you