Friday 25 April 2008

Finding Neverland (Soundtrack by Miss Renda)


Tuesday night we weren't homeless, but Wednesday we were as our new hostel was unable to accomodate us until Thursday. So rather than spend another night in Calypso which we're not all that fond of we decide to rent a toot toot and go adventuring northward. So Tuesday we go do that and then spend the night at the hostel getting drunk. That was fun. I rolled into bed at about 2am, needing to be up at 8 to get checked out and go collect the car. I am a trooper so of course it all went swimmingly.

We get to the car hire place and the guy tries offloading me with this gold beast that wouldn't look out of place on the end of a witches nose. I'm not having it and demand a cute little runaround car. I don't drive a boat at home why would I want to atempt to manouvere one over here where they all drive like frickin lunatics? Anyways we end up with a sweet little cherry red Hyundai Getz that is just a beauty to drive. To be honest though when you're used to driving Gav anything with power steering and a teeny bit of zip is sweeter than apple pie and ice cream being spoonfed to moi by The Watkins (That's Ian Watkins Nanny, google him) in a 6' 6" feather bed, wearing nothing but a smile and a ton of hair product.

Anyhow, we go collect our stuff and set off on our adventure. Driving out of the city was a bit of a 'mare because we're not all that sure on Australian signs and traffic lights are different. Like they have PED X written on the road and I thought it must be something to do with mopeds. Lauren clicked that it was warning of a pedestrian crossing. Oh and their traffic lights flick straight from red to green and back. They have an amber they just don't appear to want to use it. We didn't actually have a plan of where to go just to head North. We stopped at Trinity Beach first. Now I love my Trinity Harrow, but the beauty of this place is never going to be outweighed by Junior and Co. Maybe my little Fisher Price Pearse but...nah not happening. We stopped off in posh face palm cove for lunch. Fit Ceaser salad (hold the bacon and the anchovies thanks) and then Ellis Beach. Basically after that we just drove. Oh yeah we saw real Bush fires! Loads of smoke and they have to stop the traffic and stuff. And all the Australians who direct the traffic wear these yellow tubbards that say Traffic Controller. But they were all fat which made me think of Thomas The Tank Engine.

And it was beautiful. In the stereo were the cd's that my darling Miss Renda made and I have to say I had a few silent tears and smiles on the way (My beloved Tiny Dancer, I want you to know that I miss you, I miss you so...) After spending a week in Cairns bored and surrounded by a beautiful city, it was nice to see the ocean and drive around singing just as i'd do at home when something is on my mind. And of course missing home is what is on my mind. Not enough to want to come back mind you, but I do think of you all a lot.

After a little while we come to a little tiny sleepy village where we stop for a bathroom break and a sandwich (cheese of course). And I had my first toilet spider incident. I've been warned about redbacks, but I haven't a clue what they look like and I knew I was in the outback-ish because i'd seen a sign to watch out for Kangas and their Roos. So I had a little wee when I see a few spideys in the loo. But I checked under the seat found it ok relieved myself sharpish and skiddadled.

After this we drove to the ferry crossing at Mossman to get across to Cape Trib. That's got to be the most boring job in the world. This 100ft stretch of water going back and forth all day long. I'd die of boredom. I nearly died just waiting on the boat. Anyways we get across and then...


We drove through the rainforest and eventually I spotted the coast through the trees, pulled over and found true beauty. Miles of glorious blue ocean and miles of lush green tropical vegetation seperated by a beautiful strip of unspoilt white sand. No people, no litter, no noise. Just true, true beauty. Nick we're going here for our honeymoon...

Pictures on facebook...

We drive and stop a few more times until we reach a place called PKs Rainforest village where we pull over and book in for the night as i'm tired of driving by now and need feeding. Me and Lauren head down to the beach, rowing on route so I storm back to the room to discover I have no key and sit outside reading for ages. A frog came to say hello. He almost hopped right on my foot and scared the crap out of me, but my little screech scared him off so no pictures. When Lauren returns I discover she has no key either and we realise we've screwed that up somehow because we were definately given one. So we get another one (free of charge because I smiled sweetly) get changed and head to find dinner. Now they don't much appreciate that not all vegetarians want a diet of pasta over here and so I insisted that we take a drive to find somewhere better. Which we do. Gorgeous SEPERATE vege menu, tofu, vegetables, the sort of things vegetarians dream about. Unfortunately though they were fully booked. So we then drove off road in our little Cherry Pip (cars gotta have a name) and found jack diddly. So back to PKs for pasta then. And not good pasta at that.

After this it was sleep time as at 5.45am we had to be up to get the car back by 10. I read for an age and Mummy you'll be pleased to know I listened to Lullaby Magick and I sent you a kiss and a cuddle from the Rainbowforest.

The next morning we were up and at 'em on time and schedule. Stopped off at Paradise once more to see the sunrise. Heaven on earth I swear. And other than a stop off for brekkie not a lot else to report.

Made it back to Cairns got checked in to our new hostel. Half the price of our last one and because they've run out of dorms we've procurred a twin room (sweet because i'm not really into this dorm malarky in my current state of mind), a fridge in our room, a pool that recieves sunlight all day and CABLE TV! I've missed telly. That may be sad, but I don't want to spend every night out on the razz and i'm into book number 5 already! At this rate i'll spend all my money on books!

So yeah that's about it for this entry as other than this it's same old story. Weather is good, i'm getting tanned and plenty of Mr Medicine (sunny shiny) and as much as I miss you all, i'll get over it hehe! We're booking our flights for Brisbane tomorrow so we'll be there in a week. Hope you're all well.

Love and stuff etc...

x xx x


mo on the go said...

Hiya Sweet

Attempt no. 3....

Seem to be having a little difficulty with this ahem technology - well if this works I'll eat my hat....

Anyways sorry its taken me so long Suz and I tried to have a crack at this last sat after a girlie sort of night - you know the deal - loads of giggling, dancing and black teeth - anyway we failed, but Im here now.

Nothing new here - loads of kids stuff going on as normal. Charlie doing superbly well at swimming, he's come on leaps and bounds since I changed his teacher which he is right chuffed about.

Im going to take Kates ice skating for the first time tomorrow, Ive taken Charlie a few times and he is pretty good so he decided we should take Kates - can you imagine how teeny her wee blades are going to be - toooo cute!

Remember when I took you skating at Queensway - you were only a little scrap yourself but you still went for it. I will never know how you managed to stay upright....

Training seems to be on track (ish) got 14m to do tomorrow and if thats okay I should be okay (although no pb's this time) for 25th May so fingers crossed for that.

Phase 2 of the decorating coming along nicely, Charlie will be in his big bedroom before too long, you wont recognize the place on your return although I imagine you will love sleeping in the 'pink palace'.

Not much else to say really, little angel is politely bellowing at me to remove her from the bath so best off. She says "hello, love you"

Hugs and kisses and much love from us all Moses xxxx

Rabbit said...

Give the little scraps my love. I'll give you a call when it's daytime over there today and have a little natter with the clann.

Miss you, love you x

mo on the go said...

OMG it worked!
Looks like Im heading out to the shops to buy a hat of the finest candy floss!
Luff u xx

Camo Space Pup said...

Lucky you, Bronze Bunny,

It's obvious the pictures don't do the place justice but it's fabulous to see such huge smiles on you and Lauren's faces. Please don't get any more tanned - you look far too gorgeous already and I'm incredibly jealous!!!

Your blog is exellent - we could almost be there...I wish.

Looking forward to your next installment.

Keep your peepers on those spiders!

Cuddles and huge hugs

Daddy and Rosie (yeah, he said he spoke to you earlier so doesn't need to write anything but sends all his love of course)

Granny Rabbit said...

I've seen the photies and you and Lol are looking relaxed and fab.

I hope you liked the first of the playlists that you've listened to, Lullaby Magick is for when you want to be transported to childhood and coddled in imaginery blankets by your wonderful earth mother!!!

Rabbit said...

You are a nutter Mumface.

Give those tiddlywink boys of yours big hugs. I've been missingthem ttoday. In fact could all you parents give your kiddys a hug from me. We're off to Brisbane in the morning. Probably going to do some nannying over there as it's excellent money and I like children.

x xx x