Sunday 4 May 2008

A Well Overdue Update...


I know I haven't written in well a good while now, but that's because there's not a lot to tell really. Have been in Brisbane since the 1st. Before that just got sunnied and partied in Cairns. Met some Liverpuddlian lads who were lovely, but they left about 2 days after we met them. That was an evening of entertainment, but you don't really need to hear about that as a night out is a night out. Also met some Northern Irish girls along with the lads. What a crack they are. Going to meet up with them again when we go back up to Cairns in a few months. And will definately be meeting up with them for Christmas and New Years in Sydney. Well looking forward to that party. Nick you should come out for that. Seriously that's the way forward with the Oz trip, we'll get married in December.

Basically the plan for me and Lauren is just to work down here for a few months and kick back and live a normal Aussie life then go back up and begin the travelling part of our holiday. The longer we work here the less we have to worry about working when we begin travelling so if we don't like somewhere we can pack our bags and off we go no hassles of quitting a job or whatever. I've been interviewing to work as a nanny which i'll be chuffed to end up doing. We all know how I love bubbyfaces! Had a couple of interviews for part-time that i'll mix and match to make a full weeks work and i'll find out by Friday so fingers crossed for me all of you. Also think I've found us a flat. It's right in the centre of Brisbane, 2 bedrooms for $225 a week! Yes that's about 100 quid in the centre of the city for a 2 bedroom! Rent is stupid cheap over here. Also going to see one in the suburb of Bardon about 5km from the CBD tonight which is a little more expensive, but sounds a bit nicer. Lauren has a trial tomorrow to do some painting and decorating work on the Gold Coast so fingers crossed for her too!

We're currently house sitting for my friend Lucys Mum, feeding her cat, dog and chickens. She's back on Wednesday so we need to have found a place by then really although she said we can stay longer, but me and Lauren are just itching for our own space now. We're in the suburb of Kelvin Grove which is about 5km from the CBD. Lovely house, got our own pool and a nice little sun trap around it. Have seen the BIGGEST spiders in the garden. Nanny when I put the pictures up get Peter to veto them for you first ok, I don't want to scare you like that Christmas all over again. Mum you'd go mad out here because there are so many cockroaches and they're huge! Yeurgh! I've freaked out a good few times when i've come across them.

Brisbane is absolutely huge, but has no character whatsoever. Also the public transport is appauling so me and Lauren are looking at getting cars for the duration of our stay and then selling them when we leave. Makes sense really because it would be cheaper than getting public transport and also for nannying you need a car to take the children to activities etc (although i'm trying to get pre-school children or babies which means days at the library and feeding ducks etc) and for Lauren to travel to the coast is to far and to expensive. Plus we'd get the money back when we sold the cars. I've been looking at a few and have found a red Gav that I think would be perfect, but need to suss out the finances etc first.

Saw Tom (Native)/Clarence that was awesome. Literally launched myself at him for the largest hug EVER! I've passed on some love from the Mac family and the Badgers. He seem to miss home, but him and Lucy have a lovely little flat, with the most beautiful view and they seem really happy. I imagine we'll be seeing a fair bit of him whilst we're here as we're each others link to home.

Erm...I think that's about it really. I don't imagine i'll be writing lots from here on out as soon enough I should be working and spending my weekends at the beach etc and it won't really be all that interesting for me to tell you how I spent my days changing nappies and playing peek-a-boo. But when we go back to Cairns i'll be writing more often because we'll be doing all the activities and so i'll be filling you in. I don't have any pictures to put up at the mo because my phone is being a dud, but when I get a chance to whack them up i'll post the link for all you non facebookers.

Oh yeah a few things to ponder...

Police cars over here look like they jumped straight out of a Toby Toys playskool set.

Chocolate is about 1quid a bar. Yes a pound for a bar of chocolate. Me and Lauren only have it on special occasions. They have got a lot of different varieties though. Much better selection, but it tastes funny because they put stuff in it to help prevent it melting. Same with cheese which is interesting making cheese sauce or toasties.

You can get 20 cigarettes for about $12 or 40 for $17. All the packs have disgusting pictures of bleeding brains and lungs on them, but for an extra $5 you get 100% extra. Mixed messages much? And yes all 40 come in the same box. Me and Lauren aren't smoking though.

Water doesn't ever come out of the tap really cold and it tastes like mould. For someone who drinks about 3 litres of water a day this is a killer. I have to buy bottles and fill them up at the tap and keep swapping them into the fridge/freezer. The taste improves a little when it's cold, but there's still a nice mouldy aftertaste. Yum.

Cilit Bang is called Easy Off Bam

They have bats the size of Eagles. Not joking. They're huge.

Everyone drives really gorgeous shiny big cars.

Rather than saying straight ahead or straight over at roundabouts they say straight through. Maybe that's not weird, but I find it odd. An Australian told me they wouldn't say straight over because they'd literally drive straight over the thing. They probably would, they all drive like pratts. Indicating is optional. Tom says that he had the most stupid driving test here. They last 20mins and they correct you when you're doing something wrong and still pass you. Funtimes.

They have nashi pears here which are a cross between an apple and a pear. YUM!

They literally spell everything out on signs and things here. On the bus they have a please let disabled, elderly and pregnant women sit down sign. The disabled person is a guy on crutches with only one leg. Put just on the regular disabled signs they have the wheelchair guy.

They have Keeping Up Appearances & Fawlty Towers on television. And they have Aussie Gladiators. It will never be the same though because it will never have Wolf in.

I miss my bed.

I'm really getting into Neighbours. A sure fire sign that I need a job.

Take care tiddlywinks, hope you're all well.

Love to you all


x xx x

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