Saturday, 25 October 2008



I've managed to blag free internet by being super dooper helpful and rejigging a few of my trips to help out the guys here at Dingos hostel Rainbow Beach, so thought I'd do an update. It's quiet here and not much to do. Me and Lauren have been taking it easy as Fraser Island is supposed to be pretty full on in the late nights and early mornings stakes. We were supposed to be going tomorrow but due to a booking cock up we have moved it to Tuesday as I said to help out the good guys here at Dingos. Anyways...yesterday we went for a chopper motorbike tour around the area. Was pretty cool, these little 50cc mopeds like something out of easy rider. We had a few drinks with some Irish guys who were in our room last night, actually we drank snakebite something I swore I'd never do after Mummys little shennanigans way back when, but it's cheap and that the name of the game. To hell with my health apparantly. We haven't done our sea kayaking yet as it was cancelled on Friday de to weather conditions. We do that tomorrow now. There was a huge storm yesterday so hopfully that will have passed by the time e go to Fraser as sand and tents and rain isn't really my idea of a good time, but then again I guess it is all part of the fun. Just got to hope we don't get stuck with a rubbish group, although once again our helpfulness has secured first dibs on group choice. We're so nice. Not really a lot else to say.

Oh Rainbow Beach itself is pretty cool. All of these different coloured sands. reds, pinks, oranges, yellows and browns. Very cool and the surfs pretty sweet. I'm getting annoyed with still being white though! I'm browner at home. Me and Lauren have finally just done some washing! Which is useful as I'm currently running around commando as my last clean pair of undies went in the pool last night in a moment of drunken madness. It wasn't my idea for once though!

So yeah that's about it from the fun and exciting world of base camp Rabbit.

Mulu x

1 comment:

mo on the go said...

Happy Halloween!
Bet you are dressed up already aren't you?
We took yesterday and today off work to spend a bit of time with kiddiewinkles. Had a fab day yesterday went to Coral Reef in Bracknell. Kids loved it. Since Katie has been doing her swimming lessons in the horrible deep pool she has come on in leaps and bounds and consequently spent two hours swimming around like a little tadpole. She was even going down the rapid rivers without holding my hand. Needless to say Pete and Charlie spend the majority of their time on the flumes - good time was had by all though.
Today we off to a halloween maze at Milletts Farm. A friend of mine went yesterday and she said it was fantastic - there are two, one more scarey than the other. Im guessing P&C will do one and K&me do the other. Then its trick or treating with the Claytons and then back to ours for some more ghoulish fun.
My biggest and most exciting news today is that having spend 25minutes in a queue on the internet I managed to get 3 tickets for.... drum roll please.... TAKE THAT in June next year in Hampden Park so Legs, Lynda and I will be Thattering along in our rock chic clothes - Im SOOOOOO excited!!! Needless to say, everyone has had to listen to TT all morning!
Right Im off now. Just had to share my wonderful and exciting news with you sweet.
Hope all is well your end and that the weather cleared up for the next stage of the adventure.
Love you lots
Moses xxx