Thursday 9 October 2008

Learning To Fly...

Bungee jump today. Not to much detail as I have a DVD for you all. I did 6 jumps in total and no it doesn't get any easier with each passing one. And an interesting fact...

the thing around your ankles that you would assume to be a harness is actually a bunch of towels and they're just strapped up. and it's heavy having three towels wrapped around your feet and 100 foot worth of elastic pulling you over the edge of this 160 foot drop.

So for the jumps...

First was a regular forward swan dive.

Second a backwards jump (which is weirder than jumping forwards, just feels really unatural to throw yourself off backwards).

Third was the pendulum which is where you are lowered by the bungee guys to an 90*-ish dgree angle backwards and dropped.

Fourth was backwards elevator which is where you put your hands on your shoulders, elbows out in front of you look up and jump.

Fifth was bloody scary. You had to hop around the side of the gaurd rail and wiggle along, then lean back and grab a bar a bit away from the platform below your feet, grip youir hands around, take your feet off, smile for the camera, look up at your hands, then 5-4-3-2-1 let go.

Sixth, was the running man. Bungee harness goes around your waist you go up a ladder onto the roof and run along a 10ft-ish platform and throw yourself off like a superhero.

I've never been so scared in my life. I didn't hesitate once though, as soon as they finished the countdown for every jump I went. Not sure I could have done another one after that though, my heart may have exploded. Lauren managed to overcome her fear of heights and do one, but the first 2 times she took an eternity to go which annoyed me because it was taking up time that I could have used to do another jump. we were on a package deal of unlimited jumps, but I ended up having to pay extra for my running man because we went past the 3.30pm deadline for unlimited jump passes. Selfish cow aren't I.

Tonight dinner at the Hare Krishna, good, cheap, vegetarian food and an early night as tomorrow we're off to Mission Beach.

Mulu. x

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