Saturday 11 October 2008

Noa's Ark

Yesterday was our first time on the Oz Bus and i'm glad we've decided to take that down the coast. They took us to a crocodile farm and it was mad to see crocs getting fed up that close. The sound a crocs jaws make when they snap is fantastic. Really hollow and sharp. Got to Mission Beach and we're at a fab hostel called Scottys. The lads we met up in Cairns are here and loads of other fun people. Finally a hostel with a bit of character.

Last night we had a BBQ (I had halloumi and peppers) and a fair few drinks. I ended up in my tutu being calm first aid lady with an Irish girl. There's a yound Welsh girl here who was on our bus and she was skulling goon (really cheap wine that gets you hammered, all the backpackers drink it really) like it was water. She then starts going round the table (not ours I point out) necking other peoples drinks. She's almost sick, then carrys on. eventually her friend gets her off her high perch on the table, down to a chair with a bin in front of her. She promptly falls off the chair into the bin and then attempts to get up and carry on drinking. After her second fall into the bin, she appears to have passed out and so some people take her off to her bedroom and lay her down. When someone goes to check on her a little later these girls all come out screaming for an ambulance and crying and panicking like a bunch of lemmings. Mummy Rabbit gene kicks in and I leg it to this girls room amongst a bunch of idiots milling around crying as she's choking on her own blood. So me and the Irish girl whack her into recovery, clear her airways, try and bring her round, suss out the situation etc, etc. Would appear she has rolled of the bed and lost part of her tooth and smashed her nose. She's also lost the ability to control her bladder as her knickers are soaking and a puddle of urine around her. So here we are covered in this silly girls piss, my fingers are in her mouth clearing out blood and we've had a few too you know. I get her friend to sort out her medicare and insurance stuff etc and a change of clothes plus wash stuff so she doesn't have to wear her manky stuff back from the hospital. We clear all the blood away and realise that her tooth is still in her mouth it's just halfway up in her gum. Don't think she'll be doing that again. Ambulance turn up and I go shower before returning to my convivial evening that ends with me, Lauren and the lads ditching everyone in the pool. I was actually the first to get ditched in by Phil after wrestling with him because he was being quiet. Oh me and Lauren had a tiff and she made me cry because she was a nasty, spiteful little cow. And you all think she's so lovely. She told me this morning she wasn't that drunk so i'm not sure how forgiving i'm feeling about her cut below the belt. Hmmm...

Anyways for the main attraction. Rafting!

We ended up in a boat with 2 Dutch, 3 Israelies and an instructor named Sean. One of the Israelies was called Noa (no H, but who cares) so immediately I christened the boat Noahs Ark. Seans first words after the first rapid we something like, "I totally thought we were going to like flip out there dudes." He promptly got renamed Turtle after Turtle (who i'm sure is called Sean) from finding Nemo. The Dutch woman was tiny and cold and getting thrown around like a jumping bean and I said she should be teddy bear because she was so cute. She said no her partner was her Teddy Bear. His name was Winston AKA Winnie...Winnie the Pooh. So now we have Rabbit, Pooh Bear and Turtle in Noah's Ark and she becomes Piglet because well it works if you see her. And Piglet and Pooh have always been sweet on each other haven't they. Then we call the Israeli boy Kanga and the other Israeli girl Koala because she's all cuddly and Lauren is of course Monkey. I wanted them to be Eeyore and Owl, but they weren't having it. So we have half the cast of A.A.Milnes books and a few randoms chucked in for good measure. I probably should have been Tigger as I didn't shut up the whole time (3 hours of sleep and a load of adrenaline will do that to me, plus I had a bit of a hangover which always makes me nuts) Pooh bear got stuck getting in the boat like he did in Rabbit's hole and we were all heaving like nobodys business to drag him in (should probably cut down on that honey), you can get out of the boat at points and float down this crocodile infested water and me and Lauren were wetting ourselves as we were playing a real live version of Pooh sticks, we went under a waterfall which was the storm, before Kanga pulled us in on a tree AKA The Olive Branch and Turtle kept calling out to us in Hebrew so we litterally were on Noahs Ark. Too funny. The Israelis spoke English, but it's much more fun shouting AKUDA! instead of forward. Paddling was hard work, but I gave it my all, i'm aching that's for sure. The Israelis had all just been in the army, but you would think it the amount of effort they put in. Their paddles spent most of their time out of the water out of time with everyone else and when they were in the water they were half arsed. But it was good. We managed to chuck Turtle out. He was attempting to get me out as I hadn't come a cropper off a particularly viscious rapid, but a few of the others had, he underestimated the strngth of my legs though. See those tree trunks are handy!

It was a good day though, again we've got a DVD. Really, really beautiful, to be going right through the middle of the rainforest and lucky for us there was a good bit of cloud cover so it wasn't to hot. Just a long hard day, but worth it.

Tomorrow sky dive. I hope these clouds clear up. Apparantly you can see the reef really well from up there. I'd guess so if you can see it from space.


x xx x

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