Saturday 18 October 2008

Jack Sparrow Eat Your Heart Out

We are currently at Airlie Beach which is pretty much just one big party town. In less than a km of street there are 37 licensed bars and restaurants. They don't even have a cinema here. Me and Lauren had a TV in our hostel so we haven't been out at all. It's not a very nice place really. They don't have any beach because of the crocs and the harbour, but they do have a huge lagoon to make up for it. It is a full on Boganville though. A bogan is a term for someone a bit like a hillbilly. This place was full of them last night when I went to go make a phone call, all drunk and being well Bogans. Truly, truly not a fan of Australian boys. Have met only a few who I can stand to be around. Not a very nice breed the ones I've met so far. Chavanistic, racist, sexist bigots is a very accurate description.


In a few hours we go board our AMAZING pirate ship.

Go and look it up on the web...

Soulway Lass Whitsunday Sailing.

We will be vising Whithaven Beach. 99.89% silica sand. Supposedly it's like snow. I'll be totally out of contact for the next 3 days, but will do a blog as soon as I can upon my return to dry land. Internet costs a fortune some places though and as i'm running short enough on cash as it is you'll just have to wait to hear about all our adventures.

Mulu x

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