Saturday 24 May 2008

Settling In

Have had quite a good week. Settled into our new house rather nicely. Ben is lovely and Sam is ok, but as with most Canadians that i've met he can be a little arrogant and inconsiderate. But me and my tendancy to pipe up and speak my mind he's easy enough to get back in line.

Monday I rescheduled my interviews for Tuesday and had a well deserved lie in. I've not had a proper nights sleep since I got here. The constant moving around means that unless i'm so drunk I pass out I end up waking up throughout the night, or waking up at the crack of dawn and can't get back to sleep. Although it has been better this week. So Monday me and Lauren cleaned our new house. The boys didn't know what had hit them when they came home. Tuesday had my interviews and worked at an office on reception for a few hours. Wednesday just dossed about dancing, reading and writing. Lauren went to the lagoon, but it was nice to have a day apart doing our own thing because we've been living in each others pockets for so long.

That night was State of Origin which is a big rugby thing between New South Wales and Queensland, so what with us being in Queensland it was a HUGE deal. Me and Lauren went food shopping and ended up getting banned from the supermarket. We found these really cool pyjamas. You've all seen mine and Laurens gangster outfits. Woodland DPM for Lauren and Urban for me. Well these pyjamas were one blue DPM and then pink. You can imagine our excitement. On they go in the middle of the shop to see if they fit because they were childrens age 14. Well they weren't a good fit so we just took silly pictures. All of a sudden "jobsworth" appears telling us we'd better be buying them because it's not hygenic to be trying them on. We mugged him off saying we were we were just taking a photo quickly and that yes we were going to buy them. He watched us (we're wetting ourselves laughing and all these people walking past us are laughing too so it was taking twice as long as it should have done) put them in the trolley and toddle off then disappeared. At the checkout Lauren hid them when I went to go get some cucumber and when I came back she was all "we're going to get busted, there's been phonecalls and everything. Turns out she wasn't joking. After we left the shop "jobsworth" came legging it out and shouting at us that we'd forgotten something and just being really rude. He told us we were to never come back. We nearly died laughing. Of course we haven't paid any attention and have been back. If he tries to actually enforce the ban, i'm going to make a formal complaint especially considering his unhygenic claim is ludicrous. What do they have fitting rooms for in clothes shops? Are you telling me it's different? Idiot. We went home, made dinner and watched the rugby getting suitably drunk to get in the spirit of things. I wore your t-shirt Daddy as it's Queenslands colour. They lost. Says a lot for your t-shirt.

Thursday = Doss day

Friday was a fun day. Had my first day nannying for these children as I start tomorrow. Spent the day playing at the park, colouring in, playing dress up, bouncing on the trampoline, playing with loads of Fisher Price toys, doing the school run (in a beast of a car; Mitsubishi Panjero - it's huge) and went to Little Tigggrs, which is an indoor ball park adventure playground thing. I was aching from hip hop and break the night before and these children were just adament they were going to puff me out. Which they did, but it was good fun. I'm really looking forward to planning activities for them in the school holidays. Lots of fun to be had there. Swimming, bike rides, treasure hunts, fancy dress, teddy bears tea parties, you name it we're going to do it. So excited!

Yesterday we went rock climbing at Kangaroo Point with our housemates. So good. The first wall was ok, not very challenging to be fair, although I did attempt to go up and over the second attempt to the top as opposed to the easy route which was to go around. I fell a few times, but I did it eventually. Laurens not so into heights and won't take direction so she managed to get half way twice. We need to work on her confidence and the fact that she tries to pull herself up with her arms rather than her legs which is just not the way to do it basically. We were all stood on the ground shouting at her these directions and then all these crowds gathered and were shouting stuff too. At one point I shouted at her to pull her arse in because it was going to drag her to the floor and one guy turned around and shouted that there was nothing wrong with her arse. It was pretty entertaining actually. We then moved on to a harder wall as Ben decided I needed slowing down a bit (all those years of tree climbing paid off). My whole mid set was you're never going to slow me down and I shot up there again. Lauren refused to give it a go, because she's a woose and seems to lack the gene that I do which is basically no i'm going to do this even if it kills me. Having said that I attempted a climb Ben fell off a few times after that one (clearly I have no sense of you're going to look like a wally when you fall off). Ended up doing it barefoot because trainers are no good for half inch ledges that you need to balance the edge of your foot on to do the splits across to the next one and I ripped my finger skin off and killed my foot so I ended up giving up and doing the one i'd done before. Ben is suitably impressed with my spidey skills and is going to take me to Mount French (Frog as the Aussies call it) for a free climb which will be fun. I need to get some climbing shoes though and then I can go with him every weekend and also go back and complete that other one. I will do it, I WILL! Also i'm going to do an overnight climb, so i'll be sleeping in a hammock half way up a mountain. Can't wait to get some photos of that one, but that won't be until closer to my leaving Brisbane as Ben is away fishing for a month from Tuesday and I want to be physically fit enough to cope with it. My legs have got the strength no worries, but my arms need a bit of work. Should be pretty quick coming though, what with running after 3 children all day, climbing all over the park, picking up the baby into this beast of a car (the door handle is at my nose), dancing every night except Friday, ballet on a Saturday morning then surfing/beach on a Saturday. I will actually be Wonder Woman by the time I leave here, but it all keeps me busy so I have less time to miss home and it's about time I got some active hobbies as opposed to head ones.

Anyhoo, that's about it for news of this week. Except i'm slowly getting bitten to death by all sorts of nasties. I'm going to go watch "I'm Not Here" that Bob Dylan movie now. Will post a blog again next weekend and let you know how I got on with my first week nannying.

Oh, my phone has a virus so there's no pictures until I get it fixed up. Pretty annoying really.


x xx x

Sunday 18 May 2008

A Very Good Day

Roast dinner...amazing. Totally amazing. The best gravy i've ever made and cheese sauce made with butter milk. Julienne carrots and shredded cabbage all fried up in real butter. Stuffing. Yorkshire puddings. Roast potatoes, sweet potatoes (red and gold), beetroot. All in all sex on a plate. I even ate some chicken because it smelt so good and I did cook it and it was free range.

Having my own room (although i'm sharing with Lauren so it's not quite my own) is fantastic. It's nice to have all my pictures up so I can look at all your beautiful faces when I walk in my door. And i've got a duvet! And a wardrobe! And drawers! And all these things that you don't even think about missing when you're away from home.

It's been 5 weeks now.

I have interviews in the morning.

Night night.x

Friday 16 May 2008

Lights, Camera, Action!

So what have I been up to this week?

Not a lot of cool far out things to be honest because I’ve been working. The place I’ve been working at is weird. Really weird. It’s easy money, but brain numbingly boring because I literally just sit on reception all day waiting for the phone to ring, playing solitaire, pinball, reading or writing. I don’t have access to the internet because if I did then than I’d happily stay there forever doing jack all. However I’m glad it’s over because hopefully next week I’ll get a placement that possibly involves using my brain. Having said that the switchboard is pretty taxing for a youngen. It looks like it was shipped right of the set of Dallas or something. I feel like I need a huge perm and fat shoulder pads just to operate it.And so to the weirdness.I turned up on Tuesday and everything was ok. There’s this pregnant woman who used to work out in the warehouse but can’t go out there at the minute because of the fumes and stuff (they’re in the paint industry) so I chatted to her all day. She’s actually pretty safe. Took me a bit of time to get used to her what with Aussies just being odd and all, but I guess people probably feel that way about me so I have to let it slide. But then on Wednesday we had a major drama because someone “contaminated the cafĂ© bar” (coffee machine to you and me). Someone went to put water in it and they noticed weird little bits in the water carrier. So I get a call to page the HR manager to come to the canteen because “there’s a serious health and safety issue”. And then there’s all this palaver about it. I went to go get a drink and a little elevenses and they’re closing down the canteen and the 2 cooks (I use that term as loosely as I would use it to talk about dinner ladies) are squabbling around going “I can’t believe someone has done this trying to make it look like we’re poisoning people”, “Oh my god it’s so terrible. I can’t cope with the stress.” And just generally making a huge dramatic to-do. Now I suppose it’s not very nice to think that someone is trying to get you in trouble and what not and screw you over, but one of these women was making me feel ill the way she was flapping about. I kept expecting her to bust out a pipe and start blazing a wrap of crystal meth to relieve the stress of it all. She didn’t have any lips, they were pulled back right over where her teeth should have been, I don’t know if she actually had teeth, but it didn’t look like it. It was like a really old mans mouth had been stuck on her. And every time she spoke there was this string of spittle stretching between the skin that should have been her lips and basically I wasn’t hungry after her flapping around like a skin covered skeleton on smack so I just sidled off back to my desk. Anyways they called the police and three boys in blue (looking like they were life size versions of Fisher Price people) roll up and go investigate. Turns out they were chili seeds. This company is mad about safety and I thought that maybe the police straight off was a bit of overkill, but turns out this stuff happens all the time and so the company has to take it seriously. Basically out in the warehouse they’ve got a bit of a war going on. People vandalizing and stealing other “cliques” stuff, defecating in their shoes (nice), smearing peanut butter all over peoples sandwiches to make it look like shit, which is pretty serious because of anaphylactic shock amongst other really childish, dense behavior. Basically there’s a couple of rude boy wannabes bullying and picking on people. It’s a whole tit for tat mentality. The police seemed pretty bemused by it all and left once the mystery had been solved, but the company is looking into it and the canteen has been closed all week. But it gets better. I rock up yesterday to discover that someone has been at it again. They work with solvents in the warehouse and so have barrier cream to put on. A guy put it on his hands and it started to burn him. That’s right folks, someone put solvent in the barrier cream. In again came the police and everyone’s getting dragged up and interrogated about it. Now that is serious. I’m glad I’m gone. Clearly the majority of warehouse staff they had there were the pure blood descendants of those we shipped off for correctional purposes. Fully mental. They have an onsite psychologist and stuff for the warehouse folks. Mmmm-yeah. Out of there.

Other than working I’ve started up dance classes again. So far I’ve done 3 classes. I did contemporary ballet on Wednesday and hip hop then break last night. It’s nice to be dancing again although I’ve spent so long dancing freestyle and choreographing my own stuff that it’s going to take a fair while for me to get back into the swing of learning someone else’s choreography, especially as I have a tendency to do what feels right for me, which is fine in a free movement style of dance, but no good for contemporary or ballet which is all technique and posture rather than “flow”. Tomorrow I have my first ballet class in about 4 years so that should be interesting. Break was good though. I’ve never studied it before and got my timetable mixed up and ended up in an intermediate class rather than beginners, so it was pretty tough but I loved it. Learnt a few freezes, just got to practice because my “freeze arm” is my left one which is my weaker one so it’s hard to try and hold all my weight on it. After that I was feeling all fidgety and couldn’t deal with being all cooped up in our crappy dorm room and Lauren was at the pub playing pool which I wasn’t interested in so I went out for a run. Ended up getting really, really lost and had to ask a police officer how to get back to Roma Street. She looked at me like I was mad and said, it’s really far. I ended up being gone for over an hour and I’d only intended to do a couple of miles. My body is a bit sore today.

Lauren is still on the job hunt but she’s not so bored now because she’s been hanging out with these guys Adrian and Simon. Simon works at the hostel. We came across Adrian on Wednesday night when I waded in a broke up a fight. Lauren has been bored senseless because I’m at work all day and so she’s got nothing to do and because we’ve not really been socializing with our hostel lot there’s not really anyone to hang out with. But I was hungry so we went to get food and go have a drink to get her some fresh air before she turns into a vamp. Ended up in Subway were there were these two Californian guys ordering. One of them was weirding out Lauren a bit, gave her a funny wave or something. Anyways I get my wrap and go take a seat down the street on a bench. On the bench next to us the weird Californian is trying to start a fight with his mate. Eventually punches begin and I’m shouting at them to stop. There are about 8 guys all watching this occur and no-one does anything. So I thrust my wrap at Lauren, march over and pull them apart shouting at this idiot to get a grip. I was all Mummy Rabbit…“How old are you?” “19” “Well then act like it. Don’t be getting drunk and brawling in the street like you’re some silly little 13 year old.” “But he’s trying to get me in trouble.” “I don’t care he’s your mate, you don’t hit your mates especially not when they’ve just been nice enough to buy you a sandwich.”Ha, when I think about it I must have looked quite silly. I was wearing my new spunky graffiti leggings that look like a child has drawn all over my legs and a little red dress over the top, lecturing this bloke to grow up dressed like a children’s TV presenter. You would have been amused Kel. Anyways they then started discussing the issues and Adrian came over and started talking to us about the perils of drink. The drunken buffoon then stormed off declaring he was “leaving forever” got as far as the other side of the road and came back stopped in the middle of the road halting a bus, before walking into the next lane of traffic where a 4x4 was cruising along at some respectable Aussie speed unable to see him for the bus and I’m screaming “NOOOOO”. The 4x4 breaks and there’s a crunch and somehow this twat doesn’t get smashed. He them meanders over to his sandwich that he’s left on the floor picks it up starts eating it and off the pair trot. So we bonded with Adrian over this guys brush with death and the sharp side of my tongue.We went to a bar, I ended up rather tidily rather quickly, we watched a bunch of Marines do an appalling striptease and I sidled off home as I had to be up for work leaving Lauren with Adrian. He’s coming over for the roast I’m making on Sunday to celebrate moving into our new house. I’m so excited about vegetables I can’t begin to explain to you. Lauren went to the lagoon with him yesterday and then the cinema with Simon then played pool last night. I think we’re going to the cinema tonight. Although it may be that party tonight? This means I won’t be in a fit state for ballet tomorrow, so I’m hoping that the party is on Saturday night, especially as we’ll have a fit roast to cure the hangover. Tom and Lucy are coming for roast too.

Oh I’m so excited!

Sunday 11 May 2008

For my beloved Mazzy Scot Face...

You finally came to me.

Muddied Waters

Your life was written in my silences, the shudders of my breaths. You asked for words I told you I could not give, but they were always lying beneath the surface still and stretched for what I could not say and so to thin to grasp. Until now. Now in this heartbeat I can hold your ideals
I can wonder upon what you can do with all that you have. And I wonder this. Fixtures can only hold for so long eventually the broken must be replaced. Be it a thought, a life, a friend or your own sometimes to much can pass to enable your happiness thus destroying that which you need to feel alive. That is needed to guide your own tour of life because without a map your journey will forever increase, as will the ache in your heart as if connected to the feet that tire from walking the long way round to your centre. So rest awhile, look for yourself and assess how you wish to get there rather than walking blindly under the misguided direction of others. See the beauty you could provide if you only took your own time, not theirs. Live your life, make your own mistakes and when you need that rest, reach out and find my shoulder there for you to place your head upon. For it will be there. Free of charge, no questions asked only solace and arms that will do their best to relieve that ache and help with the weight you carry.

Love you.x

Beach Boys Reprive...

On Saturday we left the comfort and beauty of Pam & Phils house for the most horrific hostel we've come across yet. Cloud 9 Brisbane, stay away folks! Checked in and got out of here. We went to Surfers Paradise and well, we learnt to surf. We're naturals it's fab. Both of us managed to stand up and ride in. I even managed to ride to the end of a fair few waves and get down off the board as opposed to falling off. It's so much fun, but my muscles are still aching. Going to go again this weekend and hire boards for the day and practice as opposed to having lessons. The guys there said that you've got to practice what you learnt in the lesson and when you're good at it then have your 2nd lesson. I may have found a brand new passion. I got my belly button pierced afterwards, it bled loads and there's a big bruise and it hurts a fair bit. but it commemorates the day so that's pretty cool. Next body modification is a tatoo. I'm pretty sure I know what i'm going to get and it'll be behind my other ear I think. A can imagine a fair few eyebrows will raise at it, but that'll be because I won't be explaining the story behind it. It's going to be my secret tatoo. All mine, har-har-har-har-har!

On the train home we met an Irish guy who was a good laugh. He was pretty good looking too. Had that cute Irish charm of a smile. Will probably see him around again as he's told us the best pubs and I imagine we'll frequent them soon enough. It's a two hour journey to the beach, but a 40 min drive (next time we're going to hire a car) so we were knackered by the time we got home and allowed going out in favour of GOON! (that cheap and nasty wine that gets you plastered and every single backpacker drinks it. Only I quite like it. Cheap and nasty, yep that's me!) sat up on the roof garden at our hostel with some crazy Glaswegians that we met having a million debates about what was better England or Scotland. Me and Lauren were severely outnumbered, but I fought the good fight as ever. There was a real idiot of a girl there from Glasgow, but went to boarding school in England. So she has a weird plum in mouth with a Scottish twang that makes her sound like a dick. The added incentive of her trying to have a debate with me about the merits of London living as opposed to country living, when she "goes to London all the time, like twice a year" made me feel better about my intense dislike of her and her misconception that she actually knows what she's on about. Because she didn't. She was a public school girl who Mummy and Daddy paid to get into a "good scool" rather than actually earning her way in with her brains. We then smoozied down to a mad girls bedroom where I showed them all what mad clothing was. Everyone loves my rave hoody, but my new leggings are definately winning in the style stakes.

Anyhow we suffered yesterday. Went and got breakfast (I had a YUMMY vegetable fritter for a bargain of $7.50) then I went and bought some shirts for work and shoes, which did the job because I got an immediate placement at my first agency interview today. Start tomorrow for the rest of the week, probably next week also. At least i'll be busy all day because there's nothing to do in this entire city (which is why we're staying here because we'll save!) let alone this hostel. Honestly it's bad. I'm refusing to cook here because the kitchen is so awful. And we're in a huge dorm with smelly boys. And they're not even cute! I am actually yet to see anyone who is OH MY GOD GORGEOUS here. Was ok Saturday night because we had the Scottish, but now they're all German and Chinese. And i'm pretty sure the Chinese dude is a bit special, he reminds me of Wong Foo or whatever his name is out of John Hughes Sixteen Candles. All smiley, guppy faces and mismashed English. Can't wait to get into our flat.

We're going to go surfing again on Saturday I think and then we're going to Wee Rabs (one of the Scottish guys, he's called Robbie but Rabs is like a Scottish version of Rob apparantly) housewarming. Unless he has the party on Friday night, in which case we'll be recovering on Saturday and moving house on Sunday. I've promised LAuren a roast dinner on Sunday and i'm looking forward to that more than the party or another shot at surfing. Roast potatoes, gravy and VEGETABLES! Oh how I miss them. Been eating so much junk because that's pretty much whats on offer everywhere and me and Lauren have been trying to stay out of Pams way in the kitchen so eating pasta bake and other culinary delights that require no prep work.

Oh and Happy Birthday Chocolate Boy. Gutted I missed it, but I did learn to surf instead. You sounded like you had a good time anyways.

Ciao for now.


x xx x

Friday 9 May 2008


Australian children drew the short straw with school uniforms. They're HIDEOUS! Boys in knee length shorts, knee high socks, brown shoes and boater hats. Girls in mid-calf skirts, boys lace up clod hoppers and shapeless tunic shirts. Why would you do it to them?

Anyhow, today me and Lauren went to Peterpans and planned our itinery to do the East Coast. It's going to take us about 4weeks to do and cost us in the region of $2000 plus spending money (probably another $2000). That includes accomodation, scuba diving, surfing, a 14,000 ft tandem sky dive, unlimited bungee jumps, a minjin swing (they stick you in a sack pull you back and swing you across the jungle), white water rafting, sailing the Whitsundays, 4WD across Fraser Island and kayaking with dolphins. So that's pretty sweet. We'll also be doing a Rainforest Safari, hang-gliding and zorbing (big plastic ball filled with water that you roll down a hill in). So between now and Laurens birthday we've just got to be good and save all our pennies. Which shouldn't be to hard because brisbane isn't exactly the best for nightlife. Also if we manage to save enough we can mug off work until we get home.

We're also looking at going across to New Zealand for a couple of weeks with the Irish girls. Probably in January, but it all depends on if we have enough time because we want to do melbourne after Sydney and also Perth. And if we make it to Perth we can go across to Bali for $400 and live like Kings on 20quid a day.

I wish I was going to Fabric tonight for Alvos b'day, but to cheer me up for the fact that i'm not we're going to the Gold Coast for a spot of beach time tomorrow. Yay!


x xx x

Thursday 8 May 2008


Oh and I bought the fittest pair of leggings ever. They're the bollocks.

I also have invested in 2 pairs of yoga pants which you'll be attempting to rip off me Mum. they're perfect for rolling around all over the floor and climbing the jungle gym and stuff.


Wait for the pictures.

x xx x

Mrs Doubtfire

So today I looked after Zoe (3.5 years) and Freya (17 months). They're cute little girls and their Mum is lovely. We spent the day at the park, reading Elmer and Cat In The Hat and colouring in and just doing the things that children like to do. Zoe is very quiet and quite bossy and a little rude, not like the children i'm used to and Freya is a little poorly at the moment so she was a bit whingey, but nothing I couldn't handle. Anyways it was a bit strange because their Mum was there so you don't want to just wade in and get on with it as you would because you don't want to tread on the Mums toes, but at the same time you don't want to look as if you're not interested in the children. But it went well enough and Rohani (Mum) spoke to me afterwards and said that they liked me and what not and that her gut was to choose me because she really liked my personality and the girls liked me. So that was nice.

After that Rohani dropped me at my future home for me to drop off the deposit. Lauren met me there and we ended up chatting to our future landlord for ages and met our future housemate Sam who's a Canadian guy over here studying to become a teacher. It seems like me and Lauren are reallygoing to get along with them all and that we're going to have a sweet time there. really looking forward to moving in, although not looking forward to spending the next week in a hostel, but hey ho needs must and we don't want to impose on Lucy's Mum who has been really lovely to us.

After this I went to go and see Nicole about a 8 week position looking after her 3 children when she has a knee operation at the beginning of July. There's also a week at the end of May. The children are Matilda 5, Oskar 3 and Oliver 1. And oh my god I feel in love with them from the minute our (Lauren came with me) cab pulled up outside their house. They are so cute. Matilda and Oskar were sitting outside waiting for me to arrive and sitting there waving their little arms off! They're little blonde hair, blue eyed cutie pies. Proper robust children though. All get stuck in and have fun, none of this prissy prima donna crap that I hate. Go on get muddy and fall over and laugh and giggle and make a mess! Pretty much knew from the outset that I wanted this position. Went in and chatted to Nicole and she's just really laid back, then her Husband got home and he was just as cool. The children showed me around the house and the piece de resistance was when they took me downstairs to their playroom and I just felt like I was home. The Mum, the children, the toys, the whole atmosphere just made me feel as if I was at Mos house where children are reveired and treasured and it was excellent. So i'm chuffed to bits that I got it. I alos get a sweet car to drive the children to school and swimming etc in. Mitsubishi 4WD with big bull bars and stuff. It's sweet. God help me if I crash it. They'll feed me too as i'll be there from 7am until 6pm. The job is only for 9 weeks in total so between now and the beginning of July (bar the week in May) i'll be temping and "odd job" babysitting/daycare. However Nicoles Husband runs a Landscape Architecture firm and he fired his Office Manager last week so he needs some extra help around the office and said that he'd throw me a few days here and there. So again that's really good.

I'm feeling positive today. Last night I didn't sleep at all well. I've just been really panicky about living arrangements and work but now that it's all sorted it's ok. And for the first time I feel like I want to be here and not at home. That's not to say i'm not enjoying it, but i'm getting into the stride a little. I feel like I have a place. I do really miss my little bubs today though. Seeing all these children and playing with them and stuff made me really think about them and think damn I miss their faces. I've been showing all the families I go to see the pictures I have of them with me and they're all really taken by how cute they are. Which you are tiddlywinks! Mo you need to get a facebook and start putting up some pictures! Me and Katie can have dressing up competitions from opposite sides of the world. This little baby today reminds me of Charlie when he was wee. Especially doing "scrum down" with Daddy because he's one of them little robust, independent tiddlers. He cried loads when we left. Can't wait to see them again, they made me really smile millions. Lauren thinks their ace too.

Anyways i'm dead tired. Didn't manage to sleep until about 2 or 3 even though I went to bed at like 10pm and I was up at 6am so i'm going to watch Lost and then crash.


x xx x

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Photo links...


x xx x

A New Home...

Just a quick little post to say that me and Lauren have found a place to live. It's in Newmarket in a Queenslander Townhouse with an Aussie guy and a Canadian guy and the landlords live below, but she seems really safe. I get the impression it'll be the kind of house where you have a BBQ every weekend. It's nice and there's a big park oout the back perfect for kicking around a ball or just lazing about on a sweet Saturday afternoon. It's about 15 mins by train out of the city. Kind of like living in Harrow in relation to getting into London. Sweet.

Also I got those pics up. They're not all that interesting because to be fair going out on the razz all looks the same, but at least you can see the riff raff i've been hanging out with.

NANNY PAM! Again I warn you there are pictures of big old spiders so be ready or get Peter to look at them with you ok...

Also I have a trial day with a family for a nannying job tomorrow so hopefully if that goes well i'll have a job. Well half a job as it's part time and so i'll need to supplement it with a second nannying job. Oh yeah Lauren didn't have that trial in the end the other day. Apparantly he says she should wait until next week when there'll be more work in Brisbane City rather than at the coast.


(This is my new thing because i'm bored of writing Miss you, love you)

x xx x

Sunday 4 May 2008

A Well Overdue Update...


I know I haven't written in well a good while now, but that's because there's not a lot to tell really. Have been in Brisbane since the 1st. Before that just got sunnied and partied in Cairns. Met some Liverpuddlian lads who were lovely, but they left about 2 days after we met them. That was an evening of entertainment, but you don't really need to hear about that as a night out is a night out. Also met some Northern Irish girls along with the lads. What a crack they are. Going to meet up with them again when we go back up to Cairns in a few months. And will definately be meeting up with them for Christmas and New Years in Sydney. Well looking forward to that party. Nick you should come out for that. Seriously that's the way forward with the Oz trip, we'll get married in December.

Basically the plan for me and Lauren is just to work down here for a few months and kick back and live a normal Aussie life then go back up and begin the travelling part of our holiday. The longer we work here the less we have to worry about working when we begin travelling so if we don't like somewhere we can pack our bags and off we go no hassles of quitting a job or whatever. I've been interviewing to work as a nanny which i'll be chuffed to end up doing. We all know how I love bubbyfaces! Had a couple of interviews for part-time that i'll mix and match to make a full weeks work and i'll find out by Friday so fingers crossed for me all of you. Also think I've found us a flat. It's right in the centre of Brisbane, 2 bedrooms for $225 a week! Yes that's about 100 quid in the centre of the city for a 2 bedroom! Rent is stupid cheap over here. Also going to see one in the suburb of Bardon about 5km from the CBD tonight which is a little more expensive, but sounds a bit nicer. Lauren has a trial tomorrow to do some painting and decorating work on the Gold Coast so fingers crossed for her too!

We're currently house sitting for my friend Lucys Mum, feeding her cat, dog and chickens. She's back on Wednesday so we need to have found a place by then really although she said we can stay longer, but me and Lauren are just itching for our own space now. We're in the suburb of Kelvin Grove which is about 5km from the CBD. Lovely house, got our own pool and a nice little sun trap around it. Have seen the BIGGEST spiders in the garden. Nanny when I put the pictures up get Peter to veto them for you first ok, I don't want to scare you like that Christmas all over again. Mum you'd go mad out here because there are so many cockroaches and they're huge! Yeurgh! I've freaked out a good few times when i've come across them.

Brisbane is absolutely huge, but has no character whatsoever. Also the public transport is appauling so me and Lauren are looking at getting cars for the duration of our stay and then selling them when we leave. Makes sense really because it would be cheaper than getting public transport and also for nannying you need a car to take the children to activities etc (although i'm trying to get pre-school children or babies which means days at the library and feeding ducks etc) and for Lauren to travel to the coast is to far and to expensive. Plus we'd get the money back when we sold the cars. I've been looking at a few and have found a red Gav that I think would be perfect, but need to suss out the finances etc first.

Saw Tom (Native)/Clarence that was awesome. Literally launched myself at him for the largest hug EVER! I've passed on some love from the Mac family and the Badgers. He seem to miss home, but him and Lucy have a lovely little flat, with the most beautiful view and they seem really happy. I imagine we'll be seeing a fair bit of him whilst we're here as we're each others link to home.

Erm...I think that's about it really. I don't imagine i'll be writing lots from here on out as soon enough I should be working and spending my weekends at the beach etc and it won't really be all that interesting for me to tell you how I spent my days changing nappies and playing peek-a-boo. But when we go back to Cairns i'll be writing more often because we'll be doing all the activities and so i'll be filling you in. I don't have any pictures to put up at the mo because my phone is being a dud, but when I get a chance to whack them up i'll post the link for all you non facebookers.

Oh yeah a few things to ponder...

Police cars over here look like they jumped straight out of a Toby Toys playskool set.

Chocolate is about 1quid a bar. Yes a pound for a bar of chocolate. Me and Lauren only have it on special occasions. They have got a lot of different varieties though. Much better selection, but it tastes funny because they put stuff in it to help prevent it melting. Same with cheese which is interesting making cheese sauce or toasties.

You can get 20 cigarettes for about $12 or 40 for $17. All the packs have disgusting pictures of bleeding brains and lungs on them, but for an extra $5 you get 100% extra. Mixed messages much? And yes all 40 come in the same box. Me and Lauren aren't smoking though.

Water doesn't ever come out of the tap really cold and it tastes like mould. For someone who drinks about 3 litres of water a day this is a killer. I have to buy bottles and fill them up at the tap and keep swapping them into the fridge/freezer. The taste improves a little when it's cold, but there's still a nice mouldy aftertaste. Yum.

Cilit Bang is called Easy Off Bam

They have bats the size of Eagles. Not joking. They're huge.

Everyone drives really gorgeous shiny big cars.

Rather than saying straight ahead or straight over at roundabouts they say straight through. Maybe that's not weird, but I find it odd. An Australian told me they wouldn't say straight over because they'd literally drive straight over the thing. They probably would, they all drive like pratts. Indicating is optional. Tom says that he had the most stupid driving test here. They last 20mins and they correct you when you're doing something wrong and still pass you. Funtimes.

They have nashi pears here which are a cross between an apple and a pear. YUM!

They literally spell everything out on signs and things here. On the bus they have a please let disabled, elderly and pregnant women sit down sign. The disabled person is a guy on crutches with only one leg. Put just on the regular disabled signs they have the wheelchair guy.

They have Keeping Up Appearances & Fawlty Towers on television. And they have Aussie Gladiators. It will never be the same though because it will never have Wolf in.

I miss my bed.

I'm really getting into Neighbours. A sure fire sign that I need a job.

Take care tiddlywinks, hope you're all well.

Love to you all


x xx x