Thursday 8 May 2008

Mrs Doubtfire

So today I looked after Zoe (3.5 years) and Freya (17 months). They're cute little girls and their Mum is lovely. We spent the day at the park, reading Elmer and Cat In The Hat and colouring in and just doing the things that children like to do. Zoe is very quiet and quite bossy and a little rude, not like the children i'm used to and Freya is a little poorly at the moment so she was a bit whingey, but nothing I couldn't handle. Anyways it was a bit strange because their Mum was there so you don't want to just wade in and get on with it as you would because you don't want to tread on the Mums toes, but at the same time you don't want to look as if you're not interested in the children. But it went well enough and Rohani (Mum) spoke to me afterwards and said that they liked me and what not and that her gut was to choose me because she really liked my personality and the girls liked me. So that was nice.

After that Rohani dropped me at my future home for me to drop off the deposit. Lauren met me there and we ended up chatting to our future landlord for ages and met our future housemate Sam who's a Canadian guy over here studying to become a teacher. It seems like me and Lauren are reallygoing to get along with them all and that we're going to have a sweet time there. really looking forward to moving in, although not looking forward to spending the next week in a hostel, but hey ho needs must and we don't want to impose on Lucy's Mum who has been really lovely to us.

After this I went to go and see Nicole about a 8 week position looking after her 3 children when she has a knee operation at the beginning of July. There's also a week at the end of May. The children are Matilda 5, Oskar 3 and Oliver 1. And oh my god I feel in love with them from the minute our (Lauren came with me) cab pulled up outside their house. They are so cute. Matilda and Oskar were sitting outside waiting for me to arrive and sitting there waving their little arms off! They're little blonde hair, blue eyed cutie pies. Proper robust children though. All get stuck in and have fun, none of this prissy prima donna crap that I hate. Go on get muddy and fall over and laugh and giggle and make a mess! Pretty much knew from the outset that I wanted this position. Went in and chatted to Nicole and she's just really laid back, then her Husband got home and he was just as cool. The children showed me around the house and the piece de resistance was when they took me downstairs to their playroom and I just felt like I was home. The Mum, the children, the toys, the whole atmosphere just made me feel as if I was at Mos house where children are reveired and treasured and it was excellent. So i'm chuffed to bits that I got it. I alos get a sweet car to drive the children to school and swimming etc in. Mitsubishi 4WD with big bull bars and stuff. It's sweet. God help me if I crash it. They'll feed me too as i'll be there from 7am until 6pm. The job is only for 9 weeks in total so between now and the beginning of July (bar the week in May) i'll be temping and "odd job" babysitting/daycare. However Nicoles Husband runs a Landscape Architecture firm and he fired his Office Manager last week so he needs some extra help around the office and said that he'd throw me a few days here and there. So again that's really good.

I'm feeling positive today. Last night I didn't sleep at all well. I've just been really panicky about living arrangements and work but now that it's all sorted it's ok. And for the first time I feel like I want to be here and not at home. That's not to say i'm not enjoying it, but i'm getting into the stride a little. I feel like I have a place. I do really miss my little bubs today though. Seeing all these children and playing with them and stuff made me really think about them and think damn I miss their faces. I've been showing all the families I go to see the pictures I have of them with me and they're all really taken by how cute they are. Which you are tiddlywinks! Mo you need to get a facebook and start putting up some pictures! Me and Katie can have dressing up competitions from opposite sides of the world. This little baby today reminds me of Charlie when he was wee. Especially doing "scrum down" with Daddy because he's one of them little robust, independent tiddlers. He cried loads when we left. Can't wait to see them again, they made me really smile millions. Lauren thinks their ace too.

Anyways i'm dead tired. Didn't manage to sleep until about 2 or 3 even though I went to bed at like 10pm and I was up at 6am so i'm going to watch Lost and then crash.


x xx x

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