Sunday 11 May 2008

Beach Boys Reprive...

On Saturday we left the comfort and beauty of Pam & Phils house for the most horrific hostel we've come across yet. Cloud 9 Brisbane, stay away folks! Checked in and got out of here. We went to Surfers Paradise and well, we learnt to surf. We're naturals it's fab. Both of us managed to stand up and ride in. I even managed to ride to the end of a fair few waves and get down off the board as opposed to falling off. It's so much fun, but my muscles are still aching. Going to go again this weekend and hire boards for the day and practice as opposed to having lessons. The guys there said that you've got to practice what you learnt in the lesson and when you're good at it then have your 2nd lesson. I may have found a brand new passion. I got my belly button pierced afterwards, it bled loads and there's a big bruise and it hurts a fair bit. but it commemorates the day so that's pretty cool. Next body modification is a tatoo. I'm pretty sure I know what i'm going to get and it'll be behind my other ear I think. A can imagine a fair few eyebrows will raise at it, but that'll be because I won't be explaining the story behind it. It's going to be my secret tatoo. All mine, har-har-har-har-har!

On the train home we met an Irish guy who was a good laugh. He was pretty good looking too. Had that cute Irish charm of a smile. Will probably see him around again as he's told us the best pubs and I imagine we'll frequent them soon enough. It's a two hour journey to the beach, but a 40 min drive (next time we're going to hire a car) so we were knackered by the time we got home and allowed going out in favour of GOON! (that cheap and nasty wine that gets you plastered and every single backpacker drinks it. Only I quite like it. Cheap and nasty, yep that's me!) sat up on the roof garden at our hostel with some crazy Glaswegians that we met having a million debates about what was better England or Scotland. Me and Lauren were severely outnumbered, but I fought the good fight as ever. There was a real idiot of a girl there from Glasgow, but went to boarding school in England. So she has a weird plum in mouth with a Scottish twang that makes her sound like a dick. The added incentive of her trying to have a debate with me about the merits of London living as opposed to country living, when she "goes to London all the time, like twice a year" made me feel better about my intense dislike of her and her misconception that she actually knows what she's on about. Because she didn't. She was a public school girl who Mummy and Daddy paid to get into a "good scool" rather than actually earning her way in with her brains. We then smoozied down to a mad girls bedroom where I showed them all what mad clothing was. Everyone loves my rave hoody, but my new leggings are definately winning in the style stakes.

Anyhow we suffered yesterday. Went and got breakfast (I had a YUMMY vegetable fritter for a bargain of $7.50) then I went and bought some shirts for work and shoes, which did the job because I got an immediate placement at my first agency interview today. Start tomorrow for the rest of the week, probably next week also. At least i'll be busy all day because there's nothing to do in this entire city (which is why we're staying here because we'll save!) let alone this hostel. Honestly it's bad. I'm refusing to cook here because the kitchen is so awful. And we're in a huge dorm with smelly boys. And they're not even cute! I am actually yet to see anyone who is OH MY GOD GORGEOUS here. Was ok Saturday night because we had the Scottish, but now they're all German and Chinese. And i'm pretty sure the Chinese dude is a bit special, he reminds me of Wong Foo or whatever his name is out of John Hughes Sixteen Candles. All smiley, guppy faces and mismashed English. Can't wait to get into our flat.

We're going to go surfing again on Saturday I think and then we're going to Wee Rabs (one of the Scottish guys, he's called Robbie but Rabs is like a Scottish version of Rob apparantly) housewarming. Unless he has the party on Friday night, in which case we'll be recovering on Saturday and moving house on Sunday. I've promised LAuren a roast dinner on Sunday and i'm looking forward to that more than the party or another shot at surfing. Roast potatoes, gravy and VEGETABLES! Oh how I miss them. Been eating so much junk because that's pretty much whats on offer everywhere and me and Lauren have been trying to stay out of Pams way in the kitchen so eating pasta bake and other culinary delights that require no prep work.

Oh and Happy Birthday Chocolate Boy. Gutted I missed it, but I did learn to surf instead. You sounded like you had a good time anyways.

Ciao for now.


x xx x

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