Thursday 8 May 2008


Oh and I bought the fittest pair of leggings ever. They're the bollocks.

I also have invested in 2 pairs of yoga pants which you'll be attempting to rip off me Mum. they're perfect for rolling around all over the floor and climbing the jungle gym and stuff.


Wait for the pictures.

x xx x

1 comment:

mo on the go said...

Hi sweet

Get you... aren't you just the busy little bee. Sounds like you've got yourself well and truly sorted.

Im right chuffed to hear you've got a job and your accommodation sorted, things will really settle down now and you can get right into the Aussie way of life (although by the sounds of it you are the best part of the way there already).

The family you are going to be working with sound like a dream, I got a lump in my throat reading your blog (softie or what!)

Katie was asking when you were coming back today - she seems to think that you can just catch a train to Australia... bless.

The ice skating was a nightmare by the way. She screamed the place down but eventually I did manage to get her to do a little bit - Jane Torville she is not (well not at the minute).

Went to school open day last Friday and spent a while with Kates in her little pre-school - it was great - I was playing with all the little kids. You should see it Keri, they were doing stories with sign language and everything - its all pretty impressive.

I went into Charlies class as well and watched him doing his french lesson. There he was sat next to his girlfriend. He is so loved up its amazing, he was telling Dom on Saturday that he just wants to kiss her all the time.

He went up to level 7 in swimming on Tuesday - he is so pleased with himself. On his final length of crawl he started off fourth and finished second - you should have seen his face at the end, he pulled himself out and gave it the big thumbs up with a grin on him like you wouldnt believe. We're so proud of him.

Marathon only 3 weeks away - I did 16 on Saturday and it was a struggle, if I miss my physio for even a day Im in a bit of pain. If Im honest I cant wait for it all to be over so I can get myself properly fixed. No pb's in Edinburgh methinks - it will be a personal best to finish! Never mind. Pete's banned me from any crazy challenges for the next couple of months although there is talk of a London to Paris bike ride with work (have to think about that one very carefully).

Alls well with the clan, Legs is doing a big celebratory bash at her place on the Sunday after the marathon, and my kids just cant wait to get up there. Its going to be quite a family do as Robbie is bringing his tribe to watch, Laura and Mum are going too - Edinburgh wont know whats hit it!

Niamh is 14 next week - you should see how tall she is now - she has to be a good 4 inches taller than me, and I dont think she has nearly stopped growing yet!

The weather has been amazing here this week. Its been so hot and sunny (we could almost be in Aus). There is a paddling pool at the bottom of Wallingford bridge with a big grassy area and Ive been picking up the kids and then bombing down there for an hour when we get home. Its really funky because now Charlie and Katie are at school in the village they have loads of wee buddies all down there playing too.

Dont think I have any more news my sweet. You will be impressed to see I have updated my profile and even added a picture - next stop Facebook - I promise!!!! State of me!

Enjoy your new urban family - you will be as big a hit with them as you are with ours.

Tell Lauren we said 'Hi!' and keep up with the blog its cool.

Love and big big hugs from us all xxxxx