Saturday 24 May 2008

Settling In

Have had quite a good week. Settled into our new house rather nicely. Ben is lovely and Sam is ok, but as with most Canadians that i've met he can be a little arrogant and inconsiderate. But me and my tendancy to pipe up and speak my mind he's easy enough to get back in line.

Monday I rescheduled my interviews for Tuesday and had a well deserved lie in. I've not had a proper nights sleep since I got here. The constant moving around means that unless i'm so drunk I pass out I end up waking up throughout the night, or waking up at the crack of dawn and can't get back to sleep. Although it has been better this week. So Monday me and Lauren cleaned our new house. The boys didn't know what had hit them when they came home. Tuesday had my interviews and worked at an office on reception for a few hours. Wednesday just dossed about dancing, reading and writing. Lauren went to the lagoon, but it was nice to have a day apart doing our own thing because we've been living in each others pockets for so long.

That night was State of Origin which is a big rugby thing between New South Wales and Queensland, so what with us being in Queensland it was a HUGE deal. Me and Lauren went food shopping and ended up getting banned from the supermarket. We found these really cool pyjamas. You've all seen mine and Laurens gangster outfits. Woodland DPM for Lauren and Urban for me. Well these pyjamas were one blue DPM and then pink. You can imagine our excitement. On they go in the middle of the shop to see if they fit because they were childrens age 14. Well they weren't a good fit so we just took silly pictures. All of a sudden "jobsworth" appears telling us we'd better be buying them because it's not hygenic to be trying them on. We mugged him off saying we were we were just taking a photo quickly and that yes we were going to buy them. He watched us (we're wetting ourselves laughing and all these people walking past us are laughing too so it was taking twice as long as it should have done) put them in the trolley and toddle off then disappeared. At the checkout Lauren hid them when I went to go get some cucumber and when I came back she was all "we're going to get busted, there's been phonecalls and everything. Turns out she wasn't joking. After we left the shop "jobsworth" came legging it out and shouting at us that we'd forgotten something and just being really rude. He told us we were to never come back. We nearly died laughing. Of course we haven't paid any attention and have been back. If he tries to actually enforce the ban, i'm going to make a formal complaint especially considering his unhygenic claim is ludicrous. What do they have fitting rooms for in clothes shops? Are you telling me it's different? Idiot. We went home, made dinner and watched the rugby getting suitably drunk to get in the spirit of things. I wore your t-shirt Daddy as it's Queenslands colour. They lost. Says a lot for your t-shirt.

Thursday = Doss day

Friday was a fun day. Had my first day nannying for these children as I start tomorrow. Spent the day playing at the park, colouring in, playing dress up, bouncing on the trampoline, playing with loads of Fisher Price toys, doing the school run (in a beast of a car; Mitsubishi Panjero - it's huge) and went to Little Tigggrs, which is an indoor ball park adventure playground thing. I was aching from hip hop and break the night before and these children were just adament they were going to puff me out. Which they did, but it was good fun. I'm really looking forward to planning activities for them in the school holidays. Lots of fun to be had there. Swimming, bike rides, treasure hunts, fancy dress, teddy bears tea parties, you name it we're going to do it. So excited!

Yesterday we went rock climbing at Kangaroo Point with our housemates. So good. The first wall was ok, not very challenging to be fair, although I did attempt to go up and over the second attempt to the top as opposed to the easy route which was to go around. I fell a few times, but I did it eventually. Laurens not so into heights and won't take direction so she managed to get half way twice. We need to work on her confidence and the fact that she tries to pull herself up with her arms rather than her legs which is just not the way to do it basically. We were all stood on the ground shouting at her these directions and then all these crowds gathered and were shouting stuff too. At one point I shouted at her to pull her arse in because it was going to drag her to the floor and one guy turned around and shouted that there was nothing wrong with her arse. It was pretty entertaining actually. We then moved on to a harder wall as Ben decided I needed slowing down a bit (all those years of tree climbing paid off). My whole mid set was you're never going to slow me down and I shot up there again. Lauren refused to give it a go, because she's a woose and seems to lack the gene that I do which is basically no i'm going to do this even if it kills me. Having said that I attempted a climb Ben fell off a few times after that one (clearly I have no sense of you're going to look like a wally when you fall off). Ended up doing it barefoot because trainers are no good for half inch ledges that you need to balance the edge of your foot on to do the splits across to the next one and I ripped my finger skin off and killed my foot so I ended up giving up and doing the one i'd done before. Ben is suitably impressed with my spidey skills and is going to take me to Mount French (Frog as the Aussies call it) for a free climb which will be fun. I need to get some climbing shoes though and then I can go with him every weekend and also go back and complete that other one. I will do it, I WILL! Also i'm going to do an overnight climb, so i'll be sleeping in a hammock half way up a mountain. Can't wait to get some photos of that one, but that won't be until closer to my leaving Brisbane as Ben is away fishing for a month from Tuesday and I want to be physically fit enough to cope with it. My legs have got the strength no worries, but my arms need a bit of work. Should be pretty quick coming though, what with running after 3 children all day, climbing all over the park, picking up the baby into this beast of a car (the door handle is at my nose), dancing every night except Friday, ballet on a Saturday morning then surfing/beach on a Saturday. I will actually be Wonder Woman by the time I leave here, but it all keeps me busy so I have less time to miss home and it's about time I got some active hobbies as opposed to head ones.

Anyhoo, that's about it for news of this week. Except i'm slowly getting bitten to death by all sorts of nasties. I'm going to go watch "I'm Not Here" that Bob Dylan movie now. Will post a blog again next weekend and let you know how I got on with my first week nannying.

Oh, my phone has a virus so there's no pictures until I get it fixed up. Pretty annoying really.


x xx x

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