Sunday 18 May 2008

A Very Good Day

Roast dinner...amazing. Totally amazing. The best gravy i've ever made and cheese sauce made with butter milk. Julienne carrots and shredded cabbage all fried up in real butter. Stuffing. Yorkshire puddings. Roast potatoes, sweet potatoes (red and gold), beetroot. All in all sex on a plate. I even ate some chicken because it smelt so good and I did cook it and it was free range.

Having my own room (although i'm sharing with Lauren so it's not quite my own) is fantastic. It's nice to have all my pictures up so I can look at all your beautiful faces when I walk in my door. And i've got a duvet! And a wardrobe! And drawers! And all these things that you don't even think about missing when you're away from home.

It's been 5 weeks now.

I have interviews in the morning.

Night night.x


Granny Rabbit said...

ermouseOooh oooh oooh how exciting is your domestic life, almost as exciting as mine. Im glad you're so much more upbeat, keep Luaren on track for job hunting you need all the money you can lay your hands on so as to really have a great time when you start traveling proper...

Although I've spoken to you and posted some comments, I thought that I'd go for a full postal update and you can see how exciting my life really is!

Since you've been gone, well I've been living a middle age housewife life, yep that's it.

I ned to you send me your actual new address as I have stuff to send to you, so please don't forget to do that, it's not a lot of stuff and won't make a big impact on your luggage.

Went up to Derbyshire for Nanny Pam's 70th birthday, left the boys with Daddy. spent a reasonably nice weekend chatting and relaxing, visited Abraham Heights on the Saturday with a cable car to get up and a tour of the caves, it was okay, weather held. Not so on Sunday it peed down all day, on and on and on.

Spent more money than I should have at Rosie's candle party, thinking of having one myself at some point but not sure when.

Sebastian has been allowed to start at Princes Risborough School on a part time basis (Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons!) with a view to slowly integrating him into the school by the end of the school term. Still going to the PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) on a Thursday & Friday morning, but he's is so not getting enough stimulation, more of that later.\

Went upto Parliament for dinner with Sam, Sarah & Tracy the Thursday before MayDay, all togged up nice food in fabulous surrounding, ate in the Strangers Restaurant, there are loads of others though, good to know what Phil's tax money is spent on!

Off to MayDay, nr Pen-Y-Cae this year, went off mountain biking on the Saturday 20km mostly downhill, which I know probably sounds like a breeze, not when 8km of it is a Roman road, please read downhill path strewn with builders rubble, real easy to cycle on NOT, huge puddles cycling through them absolutely soaking west feet and hoping that you don't get stuck and just fall off sideways. When we finally reached the actual road, Sebastian got off his bike and kissed it several times, all worthwhile when we rocked up to the Pen-Y-Cae Inn and had a well deserved late lunch and 3 pints excellent. Tristan had gone to the beach with Beth and some of the others with the little babies and had a great time with them and the dog.

The following weekend Sebastian went off on the water activities camp at Longridge, and basically couldn't behave to their standards and follow instructions, he has now been asked to leave scouts, great.

I am supposed to be revising, I have my practical exam on Thursday, and I cannot get motivated, Whitsun is looming and I am excited about that so don't want to do anything else except prep for that...

Phil and I did ski in a day on Friday, excellent we are now at recreational standard and have booked to go again with the boys after Whitsun camp, all about control on the slopes, move your weight around on the skis and keep your body still, Phil likes speed and dancing with his upper body while coming down the slopes, funny that he doesn't move his body that much on an actual dance floor!

Saturday night crazy whist at Debs, Auntie Chris won, no surprise there really. Had a really great night, lots of chat, good food and an excellent cocktail made with elderflower liqueur, yummy.

Sat up until 4:30 with Rosie shooting the breeze. Had to go to bed then as had to be up to go volunteer at the QPC for the textile festival, really good day, loads of demonstrations or things like, spinning and cording and patchworking, embroidery etc. Bought myself a hat for Paul & Natalie's wedding which my entire outfit now has to be bought around, so pink all the way.

That's about it for me and my exciting social life, looking forward to Whitsun camp and a week of chilling maybe some revision, Pimms, Moscow Mules, pink wine and antacid tablets!

Good luck to Lauren on the job front. You keep your chin up and keep working and NOT spending, let us know your address and I'll speak to you soon.

Love you Mils&Trils

mo on the go said...

That was an interesting old day you had then. Sounds like they are a right bunch of nutters.

How did the interviews go?

Not much exciting stuff going on here at the mo. Charlie had his first Level 7 swim lesson on Tues he was good and did loads of swimming so Im sure he will just get stronger and stronger as the weeks go by. I looked into swimming clubs in the local area for him to go to but he has to be 7 and it is a huge commitment from him, 2 sessions during the week and one on a Sat morning so maybe hold off on that one for a wee while.

We had a big chef night on Sat to raise money for PTA and I did the bar. We had Antony Worral Thompson, Paul Clerehugh and Mike Robinson (who was a hornbucket!) they cooked dinner for 150 guests and it was heavenly. I was down at the parish hall decorating it from 11-5 then behind the bar from 6.30 and I didnt get home til 2am - I was completely exhausted, lord only knows how I used to do that all the time at the White Horse. Anyway the good news is we had a meeting on Tuesday night and from ticket sales and money raised from auction we made about £10000 so it was a true success.

We are off to Scotland tomorrow night, and are staying til Tuesday so that will be a nice break. I havent seen Mum since September so she will have forgotten what we all look like. I will send them all your love.

Right best get on - loads to do before tomorrow night. I will let you know how I get on on Sunday.

Love from us all xxx